Cheryl Hanley-Maxwell
- Chief Executive Officer of the college
- Responsible for college administration
- Executes educational policy
- Chairs Executive Committee
- Chairs Administrative Council
- Member of Council of Deans
- Appoints assistant and associate deans

Robbin King
Assistant to the Dean
- Administrative Assistant to the Dean
- Coordinate administrative services for the Dean’s office
- Support Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs
- Dean’s Office event coordination
- Staff representative for Executive Committee and Administrative Council
- Coordinate and support the Educational Policy Committee, Elections & Credentials Committee & Awards Committee
- College administrator of interfolio (Promotion & Tenure System)
- Assist with final review/submission of:
- AHS Annual Report
- Tenure Rollbacks
- Sabbatical Requests

Sally Marshall
Office Manager
- Support for Associate Dean for Undergraduate Academic Affairs
- Support for Diversity, Equity, and inclusion Committee
- Assist with support for Associate Dean for Faculty
- Room Reservations
- Parking Reservations
- Dean’s Office Reception
- Support Director of Communications
- Support CHAD

Suzanne Rinehart
Associate Dean of Administration
- Chief Executive Officer
- all financial affairs
- budget
- personnel policies
- College liaison with Chancellor and Provost Offices for budget and personnel policies
- Facility planning including coordination
of major remodeling and renovation
projects - Administrative oversight –
- Information Technology
- Budget
- Business
- Human Resources
- Facility Management
- Long range planning, allocation of college resources, policy and procedures, and business policies
- Conflict of Interest Officer
- Approval of AHS contracts and
agreements - Special Projects

Steve Petruzzello
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
- Interpret/implement AHS academic policies in accordance with campus guidelines
- Interface with University offices regarding academic matters
- Liaise between campus infrastructure and academic programming and student affairs
- Assist Dean and Heads with formulating and directing strategic plans for AHS
- Serve as Chair of AHS Ed Pol Committee
- Provide leadership of Directors of Graduate & Directors of Undergraduate Studies
- Supervise Undergraduate Affairs, eLearning and Experiential Learning

Amy Woods
Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs
- Assist Dean with issues related to faculty
(tenure track and specialized faculty) - Faculty Promotion and Tenure
- Annual review process
- 3rd year reviews
- Sabbatical leaves
- Tenure rollbacks
- Named appointments
- Faculty Development
- Recruitment and retention
- AHS Faculty Academy/
professional development
activities - Faculty recognition