IT Partners @ AHS


The email address and phone number listed are the best way to reach us. Don’t worry about who is the right person because we can route and track the progress of any request sent to that email address. Arrangements can be made if you know you need support outside those hours. If you have an emergency issue outside of business hours, please include EMERGENCY in the subject line. Typically, only items related to security, live events including classes, and high risk situations will receive a response outside of business hours.


IT Partners @ AHS operations are in Huff Hall 075, with additional offices in SHS 228, DRES 065, and Freer 090. You are always welcome to walk in, but only Huff Hall has someone physically present during almost all business hours.

    IT Partners @ AHS offers the following to College of AHS faculty and staff:
  • Audio/Visual Instructional Services
  • Academic Technology Business Process & Workflow
  • Equipment Checkout
  • Hardware and Server Security and Maintenance
  • Help Desk (Desktop Support & Software Installation)
  • Purchasing Equipment
  • Technology Consulting
  • Training



Candice Solomon-Strutz

Candice Solomon-Strutz
Director of IT Services 
Leadership and management of the team, policies, collaborations with Technology Services and other Colleges, and HIPAA compliance

Monica Campbell
Manager of Help Desk Services
Management of day-to-day technical support and support for all technology.

Mark Joseph

Mark Joseph
Manager of Research & Clinic Support
Support for all technology with a focus on research and clinic activities, management of A/V infrastructure

Joe Reinhart

Joe Reinhart
Infrastructure Specialist
Management of infrastructure, including endpoint management, servers, and storage

Tyler Sassine

Tyler Sassine
Service Desk Analyst
Support for all technology and assists with endpoint management. Liaison for KCH.

Matthew Sim

Matthew Sim
Associate IT Specialist
Support for all technology and assists with IT procurement. Liaison for SHS.

Patrick Wyatt

Patrick Wyatt
Senior IT Specialist
Support for all technology and assists with endpoint management. Liaison for DRES.

Andrew Hunt

Andrew Hunt
Senior IT Specialist
Support for all technology and assists with endpoint management. Liaison for AHS Administration and HFA Lab.


Ming Chai

Ming Chai
Associate IT Specialist (Intern)
Support for all technology. Liaison for RST.