Business Office

Suzanne Rhinehart

Suzanne Rinehart
Associate Dean for Administration
Huff 109

HR, finance, facilities, OIST, and general administration

Liz Clawson headshot

Liz Clawson
Assistant Dean of Budget & Strategic Business Operations
Huff 106

Budget, business, procurement, contracts, AHS post award

Clayton Fink
Accounting Associate
Huff 107

Unit accounting for Dean’s office, CHAD,
CVC & RST, AHS Post Award

Faculty and staff – there are lots of policies and procedures to navigate in order to conduct business on campus. The following information can assist with the most common questions the college business office receives from our colleagues.        

How do I navigate to do business?

Business is handled in each unit’s business department.

Unit Business Contacts:

Kinesiology & Community Health
Mary Jones

Recreation, Sport & Tourism
Andrea Anderson-Holmes

Speech & Hearing Science
Stefanie Cole

Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Clinic
Amy Tracz and Rabel Lohana

Dean’s Office, Chez Veteran’s Center, CHAD
Liz Clawson,  Clayton Fink, and Katie Moews

How does Travel Reimbursement work?

All travel must be approved by the unit department head before the trip is taken and before any expenses are incurred.  This can be done via e-mail.  The approval e-mail is then sent to the unit contact so they can document for their files the approval.

See the unit business contact to discuss travel needs.  Units hold a T-card which is a credit card that can be used to pay for conference registration, air fare and hotel upfront so that you do not need to incur those expenses and seek reimbursement after the trip.

If you incur the costs of the travel yourself, reimbursement happens after the trip is completed.  You must have originals of all receipts and turn those in to the unit business office for reimbursement request.  The University will keep all original receipts.  The university uses an electronic reimbursement system called TEM, and the unit contact can assist with this process. TEM system is found here.

Per diem is a daily allowance for meal expenses while in travel status that includes an overnight stay. Per diem is not given for same day travel. Per diem covers the cost of meals and tips. Receipts are not required to receive this per diem allowance.  Per diem will be paid after the trip has occurred.

University employees on approved business travel are eligible to receive meal per diem reimbursement for the time spent in travel status. The cost of actual meals purchased while in travel status is not reimbursable and receipts for such meals should not be submitted with the expense report. Per diem amounts are set by the Illinois Higher Education Travel Control Board. The current daily allowance is $28.00 for travel within the State of Illinois and $32.00 for travel outside Illinois.  Per diem will be reduced for any meals provided by the conference, etc. Examples of meals provided include, but are not limited to, breakfast provided during a conference or a dinner business meal hosted by the traveler.


Examples of allowable miscellaneous travel expenses include:

  • Toll, parking, ferry, bridge, road, and tunnel fees
  • Baggage transfer and handling
  • Registration fees for conferences, seminars, workshops, etc.
  • Fees for the use of business center facilities, such as computer use, internet, facsimile, and photocopying
  • Ground transportation such as shuttle service, taxis, rental cars (including gas), or mileage for personal vehicles
  • Reasonable tips

Examples of non-allowable travel expenses are:

  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Coat check
  • Collision damage waiver insurance for domestic motor vehicle rental
  • Commuting expenses between an employee’s residence and official headquarters
  • Personal entertainment charges such as movies, mini-bar charges, personal phone calls, spa/health clubs, sightseeing, tours, etc.
  • Locksmith charges
  • Late check-out and room guarantee charges
  • Non-University-related expenses
  • Parking tickets or other traffic fines
  • Personal automobile accident insurance
  • Spouse/family travel expense
  • Tobacco products
  • Towing of a personal automobile that is being used for University business travel
  • Travel insurance (exceptions may be requested for foreign travel)
How do I view my funds to get monthly or daily information?

Typically, a faculty member will have a variety of funds to manage.  Most common are Start-up funds, Indirect Cost Recover funds (earned ICR from awarded grants), CHAD internal grants, and campus Research Board grants.  The University moved away from paper reports 3 years ago with the launch of My-UI-Financials. This is an electronic portal that houses financial information on all funds and is also a report distribution system. With My-UI-Financials, you have quick access to all of your financial reports, in one place.  The information in the portal is updated daily, and you are able to access 24/7 from anywhere.  Your unit business contact will set you up in the system.  

I need to buy something, what do I do?

See your unit business contact.  Purchases of equipment, materials, commodities, supplies, and services for the University are made competitively. Performance, quality, suitability, delivery, and service are factors considered when purchasing goods and services. All purchases are made according to the provisions of the Illinois Procurement Code and the Procurement Rules of the Chief Procurement Officer for Public Institutions of Higher Education and other applicable state and federal regulations.

If the item is over $10,000 the university will require multiple quotes or completion of the waiver form stating why one did not use the lowest bid or needed to request a specific vendor.  Your unit accountant will assist with this process since a purchase order request will have to be done.  A Purchase Order has to be in place before we can order goods or have a consultant start work.  Purchasing signs all procurement agreements.

Can I buy something myself and get reimbursed?

The University policy is that the University makes all purchases versus individuals purchasing items and seeking reimbursement.  Your unit’s office staff have P-cards which can be used for most purchases.  The office can also do a Purchase Order for your item.  Let the office do the purchasing of goods to be compliant with University policy.  Planning for purchases is the best course of action.

Rules on Business Meals

Employee and Guests:

Allowable for:

Recruitment – Meals or refreshments provided during meetings with non-employees or potential students, related to their possible employment at or admission to the system.

Business Meetings – System business discussions held between one or more system employees AND one or more visitors from an outside entity.

Hospitality Events – An event honoring distinguished guests who are not system employees. May include meals or receptions for faculty from other universities, members of external organizations, and/or visiting dignitaries. Dignitaries typically visit at the invitation of the system to participate in seminars, speaking engagements, and related events.

Donor Event – A meal and/or reception during which system employees meet with current or potential donors.

Convocation or Graduation Event – Refreshments or a reception related to a convocation or graduation.

Amount Limits

$25 per person

$40 per person

$60 per person

Refreshments and Reception
$25 per person

Alcohol and Related Service Fees
$20 per person for non-donor events

Tips up to a maximum of 20% of the total cost is reimbursable. Tips in excess of 20% of the total cost may be subject to deduction of the excessive T-Card charges from the Cardholder’s wages.

The vendor receipt to be uploaded into TEM must contain the detailed charges. A summary receipt is not allowed. All attendees are listed by name in TEM unless over 20 attendees.

Employee only events – Business Meals and refreshments:

Allowable for:

Employee Recognition – An official event held to honor faculty or staff for years of service or retirement, special achievements (such as teaching and outstanding service awards or investiture ceremonies), annual unit picnic or holiday event. Any other employee recognition event requires approval of the dean, vice chancellor, assistant vice president, or provost to whom the unit reports. Employee recognition events may include outside guests and/or students as participants.

Full-day Events – An event that lasts at least five business hours.

Employee Business Meals – A meal during a business meeting attended by employees only, when the meeting is held during breakfast, lunch, or dinner if the timing of the meeting is crucial and all participants are available only at that time.

Amount Limits

$25 per person if the event begins by 9:00 am

$25 per person

$40 per person for employee recognition, full-day staff retreats, and employee business meals. NOT allowable for training events.

Refreshments and Reception
$25 per person for employee recognition events and full or half-day training, or staff retreats


Employees Only
Alcohol may be purchased for events attended by only system employees with written approval of the dean, vice chancellor, assistant vice president, or provost. If he or she is attending the event, the head of the next higher administrative unit not attending the event must give approval. Keep this supporting documentation on file in your unit.

Employee and Guest Event
Alcohol may be purchased without previous approval for events attended by employees AND guests.

For non-donor events, expenditure for alcohol is limited to $20 per person. To spend more than $20 per person, obtain written approval from your dean, vice chancellor, assistant vice president, or provost unless he or she will be attending the event. In that case, obtain written approval from the head of the next higher administrative unit not attending the event. Keep this supporting documentation on file in your unit.

Note: Approval to Exceed the Amount Limit
You must have approval to exceed the allowable amounts for business meals and refreshments. If possible, obtain the approval in advance. Written approval must be from the dean, vice chancellor, assistant vice president, or provost, unless he or she will be attending the event. In that case, obtain written approval from the head of the next higher administrative unit not attending the event.

All meal maximums apply to restaurants, caterers, and University of Illinois System-operated food service.  The meal maximums do not include allowable expenditures for tax, tips, alcohol, and fees related to the service of alcohol.  Alcohol, when allowable, may only be provided to participants 21 years of age or older.

Any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to the College Business Office, Liz Clawson, 244-4313