I need to submit a grant to an external sponsor, where do I start?
Please complete this intent to submit form
I need a poster printed, what should I do?
Please follow these guidelines and email your poster to chad-posters@ahs.illinois.edu.
I want to apply for a CHAD travel grant, how do I do this?
Please see these guidelines & application.
I need a clinical partner for research or grant submission or would like to recruit from a patient population, who should I contact?
Please contact the Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Institute.
I would like the university/AHS/or my department to provide cost-share on an external grant, am I allowed to do this and if so, how?
Please read these guidelines (PDF), and if you are eligible for cost-share please complete the following approval form.
I would like to apply for a CHAD Pilot Grant, when can I do this?
The request for proposals for CHAD Pilot grants is issued early in the Winter Semester with an April due date. Please see here for more information.
I would like to have an external reviewer review my grant proposal prior to submission to sponsor, is this possible?
Yes, please see here or contact Wendy Bartlo.