Process for Requesting Cost-Sharing on Grant Proposals

Definition: Cost sharing represents project costs (direct and indirect) that could be paid by the sponsor, but are covered by the University or a third party. In addition to the College of Applied Health Sciences (AHS) and its departments, cost-sharing (full or partial) can come from entities outside the University (3rd parties) or units outside of the College of AHS (e.g. Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Research, Beckman Institute etc). PIs are encouraged to seek cost-share from 3rd parties or units outside of AHS when appropriate.

The University will normally commit to cost-sharing only:

  • When required by the sponsor;
  • To the extent necessary to meet the specific requirements of the particular solicitation;
  • If all cost sharing commitments are included in the proposal budget;
  • If the department head and college administration provides approval prior to proposal submission;
  • Where permitted by the University and sponsor policies; and
  • Where the proposed cost sharing is allocable to and directly benefiting the sponsored project and reasonable and necessary for the performance of the project.

There are 3 types of cost sharing:

  • Mandatory Committed: the sponsor requires as a condition of obtaining an award. It must be quantified in the proposal budget or narrative and will be tracked by the University if awarded. Note: tracking places an added burden and cost on the unit
  • Voluntary Committed*: the sponsor does not require as a condition of obtaining an award, but is quantified in the proposal budget or narrative and may be tracked by the University. Some sponsors forbid the use of voluntary committed cost sharing.
  • Voluntary Uncommitted*: the University provides where not required or quantified in the proposal or referenced in the award. This does not constitute a binding agreement, is not tracked or reported as cost-sharing, is not certified as project effort or costs, and is not included for audit purposes.

*voluntary cost sharing is not provided unless there is a compelling rationale and justification provided by the PI on the Cost Sharing Request Form.

Cost Sharing Request Process:

  1. Pl communicates cost-share request to Grants Specalist; Grants Specalist gives guidance and shares link to Cost Share Request Form
  2. Pl discusses potential items of cost-share with their Department Head (Head conditionally approves) or Associate Dean for Research (if college support is requested); Pl fills out Cost-share Request Form
  3. Grants Specialist turns in excel budget sheet and Cost-share Request Form for administrative review (~48 h turnaround time): if rejected at Administrative Review, proposal goes back to Pl for reconsideration
  4. Proposal reviewed by SPA. If rejected by SPA, proposal goes back to Pl for reconsideration
  5. If approved by SPA, proposal can be submitted to sponsor
Cost sharing flow chart

Cost Sharing Request Form

  1. Please provide an abstract for the proposed work.
  2. Who is the sponsor?
  3. What is the sponsor deadline?
  4. Are there Facilities and Administration costs associated with the proposal, if so at what level (e.g. full 58.6%)?
  5. Is this a mandatory (required by sponsor) or a voluntary (sponsor does not require but there is a strong case the university investment is in its best interest) cost-share?
  6. Provide a detailed rationale and justification as to why the cost share needs to be supported by the University. Voluntary cost-sharing will only be allowed if a very strong case can be made.
  7. What is the total dollar amount you are requesting the University to cost-share and in what form (faculty effort, graduate student effort, equipment, etc)?
  8. Please include the final excel budget spreadsheet with the cost-share.


1206 S. Fourth Street
1008 Khan Annex, Huff Hall
Phone: 217-333-4965
Fax: 217-265-0358