Toward a Theory of Resilience in Systems: A Game-Theoretic Approach
Investigator: Tamer Başar
The security and resilience of modern infrastructures require an interdisciplinary research effort to investigate security mechanisms at each layer and develop tools for analyzing an designing complex systems to achieve inter- and intra-layer resilience. Game-theoretic approaches allow us to adopt a holistic viewpoint towards designing systems of multi-layer interactions. The science of resilience is a critical component of modern system engineering. This project is an attempt in the direction of developing a new general resilient system theory, with potential applications to many emerging complex systems such as those in health care, biomedicine, smart power grid, and transportation systems.
Hard Problems Addressed
- Policy-Governed Secure Collaboration
- Resilient Architecture
- Quanyan Zhu and Tamer Başar, “Game-Theoretic Methods for Distributed Management of Energy Resources in the Smart Grid”, Eighth Annual Carnegie Mellon Conference on the Electricity Industry Data-Driven Sustainable Energy Systems, Pittsburgh, PA, March 12-14, 2012. [poster]
- Quanyan Zhu and Tamer Başar, “A Dynamic Game-Theoretic Approach to Resilient Control System Design for Cascading Failures”, International Conference on High Confidence Networked Systems, Beijing, China, April 17-18, 2012. [full text]
- Craig Rieger, Quanyan Zhu, and Tamer Başar, “Agent-based Cyber Control Strategy Design for Resilient Control Systems: Concepts, Architecture and Methodologies”, 5th International Symposium on Resilient Control Systems (IRCS 2012), Salt Lake City, UT, August 14-16, 2012. [full text]
- Bahman Gharesifard and Tamer Başar, “Resilience in Consensus Dynamics via Competitive Interconnections”, 3rd IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems, Santa Barbara, CA, September 14-15, 2012. [full text]
- Andrew Clark, Quanyan Zhu, Radha Poovendran, and Tamer Başar, “Deceptive Routing in Relay Networks”, Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security, Budapest, Hungry, November 5-6, 2012. [full text]
- Quanyan Zhu, Carol Fung, Raouf Boutaba, and Tamer Başar, “GUIDEX: A Game-Theoretic Incentive-Based Mechanism for Intrusion Detection Networks”, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, volume 30, issue 11, December 2012. [full text]
- Quanyan Zhu, Andrew Clark, Radha Poovendran, and Tamer Başar, “Deceptive Routing Games”, 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Maui, Hawaii, December 10-13, 2012. [full text]
- Quanyan Zhu, Linda Bushnell, and Tamer Başar, “Game-Theoretic Analysis of Node Capture and Cloning Attack with Multiple Attackers in Wireless Sensor Networks”, 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Maui, Hawaii, December 10-13, 2012. [full text]
- Alejandro D. Dominguez-Garcia, Bahman Gharesifard, and Tamer Başar, “A Price-Based Approach for Controlling Networked Distributed Energy Resources”, DIMACS Workshop on Energy Infrastructure: Designing for Stability and Resilience, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ, February 20-22, 2013. [slides]
- Sabita Maharjan, Quanyan Zhu, Yan Zhang, Stein Gjessing, and Tamer Başar, “Dependable Demand Response Management in the Smart Grid: A Stackelberg Game Approach”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, volume 4, issue 1, pages 120-132, March 2013. [full text]
- Quanyan Zhu, Linda Bushnell, and Tamer Başar, “Resilient Distributed Control of Multi-agent Cyber-Physical Systems”, Workshop on Control of Cyber-Physical Systems, Baltimore, MD, March 20-21, 2013. [full text]
- Mohammad Hosseing Manshaei, Quanyan Zhu, Tansu Alpcan, Tamer Başar, and Jean-Pierre Hubaux, “Game Theory Meets Network Security and Privacy”, ACM Computing Surveys, volume 45, issue 3, June 2013. [full text]
- Andrew Clark, Quanyan Zhu, Radha Poovendran, and Tamer Başar, “An Inpact-Aware Defense against Stuxnet”, IFAC American Control Conference (ACC 2013), Washington, DC, June 17-19, 2013. [full text]
- Bahman Gharesifard, Tamer Başar, and Alejandro D. Dominguez-Garcia, “Price-Based Distributed Control for Networked Plug-in Electric Vehicles”, IFAC American Control Conference (ACC 2013), Washington, DC, June 17-19, 2013. [full text]
- Yuan Yuan, Quanyan Zhy, Fuchun Sun, Qinyi Wang, and Tamer Başar, “Resilient Control of Cyber-Physical Systems against Denial-of-Service Attacks”, 6th International Symposium on Resilient Control Systems (ISRCS 2013), San Francisco, CA, August 13-15, 2013. [full text]
- Quanyan Zhu and Tamer Başar, “Game-Theoretic Approach to Feedback-Driven Multi-stage Moving Target Defense”, 4th International Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security (GameSec 2013), Fort Worth, TX, November 11-12, 2013. [full text]
- Quanyan Zhu, Andrew Clark, Radha Poovendran and Tamer Başar, “Deployment and Exploitation of Deceptive Honeybots in Social Networks”, 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Florence, Italy, December 10-13, 2013. [full text]
- Bahman Gharesifard, Behrouz Touri, Tamer Başar, and Cedric Langbort, “Distributed Optimization by Myopic Strategic Interactions and the Price of Heterogeneity”, 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Florence, Italy, December 10-13, 2013. [full text]
- Abhishek Gupta, Galina Schwartz, Cedric Langbort, S. Shankar Sastry, and Tamer Başar, “A Three-stage Colonel Blotto Game with Applications to Cyberphysical Security,” American Control Conference (ACC 2014), Portland, OR, June 4-6, 2014. [full text]
- Ali Khanafer, Tamer Başar, and Bahman Gharesifard, “Stability Properties of Infected Networks with Low Curing Rates,” American Control Conference (ACC 2014), Portland, OR, June 4-6, 2014. [full text]
- Jun Moon and Tamer Başar, “Control Over Lossy Networks: A Dynamic Game Approach,” American Control Conference (ACC 2014), Portland, OR, June 4-6, 2014. [full text]
- Bahman Gharesifard, Tamer Başar, and Alejandro Dominguez-Garcia, “Designing Pricing Strategies for Coordination of Networked Distributed Energy Resources”, 19th IFAC World Congress (IFAC 2014), Cape Town South Africa, August 25-29, 2014. [full text]
- Jun Moon and Tamer Başar, “Minimax Control of MIMO Systems Over Multiple TCP-like Lossy Networks,” 19th IFAC World Congress (IFAC 2014), Cape Town South Africa, August 25-29, 2014. [full text]
- Abhishek Gupta, Tamer Başar, and Galina A. Schwartz, “A Three-Stage Colonel Blotto Game: When to Provide More Information to an Adversary”, 5th International Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security (GameSec 2014), Los Angeles, CA, November 6-7, 2014. [full text]
- Ali Khanafer, Tamer Başar, and Bahman Gharesifard, “Stability Properties of Infection Diffusion Dynamics Over Directed Networks”, 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2014), Los Angeles, CA, December 15-17, 2014, pages 6215-6220. [full text]
- Quanyan Zhu, Dong Wei, and Kun Ji, “Hierarchical Architectures of Resilient Control Systems: Concepts, Metrics, and Design Principles”, Cyber Security for Industrial Control Systems: From the Viewpoint of Closed Loop, pages 151-182, 2015. [full text]
- Quanyan Zhu and Tamer Başar, “Game-theoretic Methods for Robustness, Security and Resilience of Cyber-physical Control Systems: Games-in-games Principle for Optimal Cross-layer Resilient Control Systems”, IEEE Control Systems Magazine, volume 35, issue 1, February 2015. [full text]
- Jun Moon and Tamer Başar, “Minimax Control Over Unreliable Communication Channels”, Automatica, volume 58, August 2015. [full text]