About Vishal Sachdev

Director of the @UIMakerLab, Interested in #digitalmaking #hacking #making #edtech #elearning #openbadges #bigdata #gamification Teach/learn #UIUC

Digital Making to be offered in Spring 2016


The pilot session in Spring 2015 was a great success and we are looking at passionate makers to come learn how to make #digitally for Spring 2016. Have a look around this website, where the makers shared what they are learned. Some of them have been in the news as well, such as Arielle Rausin and Nora Benson in the recent postmarks story, that went to over 50,000 students, and their families. Arielle went on to win a grant for a  3D printer for DRES and has taken her project forward into a potential new venture.

The next session in Spring 2016, will be on Mondays 2:00 to 4:50 pm, in BIF 3030. The CRN is 45166.  Applications are being accepted till 15th November. We can only accommodate twenty one students in the class. The syllabus and schedule from Spring 2015 will give you a good idea of what we will be doing but expect some exciting changes.

Apply by email to Vishal Sachdev at vishal AT illinois DOT edu with a resume and a  short statement of what kind of “making” skills you have, or what would you like to learn and why. If you have an portfolio of things you have made do send a link as well. We want to enroll a mix of majors from across all schools on campus. In Spring 2015, we had Gen. Engineering, Journalism, Finance, Design, Marketing and IS/IT majors.   Business majors are encouraged to apply, and IS/IT majors can use this course as one of the two Major Electives.


Digital Making Project Presentations

Please join us on Tuesday May 5th from 3:00 to 4:45 pm in BIF  Room 2001, for presentations from students in the first Digital Making class. Come find out how a hand’s on approach to learning by making, allows students to engage in self directed learning. Some of the interesting projects you will hear about are listed below.

  • Wheelchair racing glove: Arielle Rausin, a student in the course, is a wheelchair racer, who needs custom molded gloves while racing. She 3DScanned and  printed one and now is developing workflows to help the entire team. Thanks to Travis at Beckman institute and Deana for providing support for this project.
  • Lending a helping (3D printed) hand for Enable the Future project.
  • A Micro controller based medicine box that reminds seniors to take medicine ( developed as part of our participation in the CU Make event, by 3 business majors with no experience in micro controllers)
  • A Silicon grip helper for seniors with weak arm muscles ( CU Make event)
  • Mathematica and 3D Printing come together for some mathematical art
  • A Brain –  3D Printed from an MRI Scan
  • Science Fiction come to life to support a book project(by our Journalism student)
  • Learning Pathways in Digital Making
  • Several other individual projects using arduinos, laser cutters and even digital embroidery, which the students loved. These were made at the CU Fab Lab (Thanks for Jeff Ginger and FabLab staff for coordinating the sessions, and to Lisa Bievenue for sponsoring our visits there)

This course is the second in a series of courses offered at the Lab. Aric Rindfleisch leads the Making Things course, which had a successful debut last spring, and had tremendous interest this Spring (with 75 applicants for 21 spots). We have now moved the Digital Making course to the Fall, and are accepting applications. Please forward this invitation to attend the presentation to any other interested stakeholders(students, faculty/staff, administrators, community members). Refreshments will be provided.

RSVP at http://goo.gl/forms/VqNSDEHzeJ