Research Topic


I am basing my research on the very prevalent topic of the rape culture on campus. I was initially drawn to this subject after a girl in a RSO that I go to shared her story regarding the topic. She emotionally talked about how she was sexual assaulted on campus. Her story got me thinking about how much of an issue this was on campus. It was even more shocking after I heard stories about the violence that was going on within other college campuses. As I did further research I realized how exigence this topic truly was. I feel passionate about the mistreatment of primarily young women, as well as men, at compass. While I knew that I felt strongly about this topic, I don’t know a lot about it. Gerard stated that you should write about subjects that you do not know a lot about. At first, I saw this as a problem; the fact that I didn’t know anything about the topic. I think that It will help me further develop  my research and keep me interested.