Major Paper Revisions

Dear Ishani,

I spent hours in my cramped dorm room writing, editing, back spacing, and revising these two papers. While I was proud of the work I turned in, I realized there was still so much more I could refine. To start this project, I jumped right into the big assignments. I wanted to spend Thanksgiving driving around with you and this project was the last assignment I had to finish before I could do just that. Revising my first major paper made me nostalgic. I remember talking to you last year about being nervous about getting into college. U of I wasn’t even on my list of top 5 schools. After I visited, I called you right after telling you how much I loved it here. It took me 5 minutes on this campus to know that it felt different than all the other schools I had visited. You and mom blamed it on the beginnings of spring whether, but I knew that this would be home for the next four years. As I sat down to revise my first paper, I remembered when I first wrote it.  I was experiencing my first taste college and I was not loving it as much as I thought I would. I wanted to be back with mom, dad, and all my old friends. Flash forward to writing my research paper proposal, and I finally felt at home here. I started to call you less and I made a solid group of friends. Personally, my writing represents my journey. Every time I look back at a paper, I am transported to a time when I wrote it. My life influences my writing and my new life here is definitely exemplified through my papers.
