Minrva – The New Wayfinder App for MPAL

Have you ever found an item in the catalog only to realize you don’t know where the item is in the library or what those call numbers mean? Minrva can help!

Minrva is a locally developed mobile tool for libraries that helps students stay organized and find what they are looking for, all on the go! Originally designed for the Undergraduate Library at UIUC, the Minrva app has expanded to include the Music & Performing Arts Library. By selecting the Music & Performing Arts Library, students can use the Wayfinder module to locate specific items within the library on a map.

Minrva%20Icon.png Minrva also provides the following useful functions:

  • Search the entire UIUC catalog
  • Search all I-Share libraries
  • Check your account for checked out materials, requests, blocks, and fines
  • Check for course reserves
  • Search online journals for articles
  • Cite sources using the new citation module

Download Minrva for Android here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=edu.illinois.ugl.minrva&hl=en
or scan the QR Code below with your phone:

In order to use the Wayfinder tool…

1. Start at the home screen and select University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign >> Music & Perf. Arts as your location

MinrvaHomeScreen%26Location.jpg   MinrvaSelectLocation.jpg

2. Go back to the home screen by selecting the house icon in the upper left corner
3. Select Catalog Search to look for items
4. Go back to the home screen and select Wayfinder

MinrvaSearch.jpg   MinrvaHomeScreenwithWayfinder.jpg

5. Use Wayfinder to locate the items you have searched for on the map

Here, the location of Guide to Chamber Music is shown on the map with the red dot in the upper right. Wayfinder will also keep a list of items that you have searched for using Minrva under Book Sel.. on the bottom right. All searched for items that are listed in the Recent Search History can then be located on the map using Wayfinder.

MinrvaWayfinderMap.jpg   MinrvaSearchHistory.jpg
*** There is a Minrva app available for Apple products but it has not yet been updated with MPAL capabilities. Stay tuned! ***