Opera in English CDs and Masterclasses on DVD

Two new Library acquisitions that might interest many of you:

1. Chandos Records’ Opera in English CDs

These CDs offer quality performances of standard and not-so-standard repertoire in English. To find them in our catalog, limit your search to “Music Recordings” and do a search for “opera in english.” If you know the specific opera you want, you can do a boolean search for [opera name] and “opera in english”.

Many of them have not been cataloged yet (they just arrived this week!), so use the request feature in the online catalog, or ask for help at the reference or circulation desks.

2. Two new masterclass series on DVD

Jazz Master Class Series from NYU

These eight DVDs represent some of the best jazz teachers and performers.

To find them in our catalog, limit your search to Films/Videos and either search for the individual’s name or to find all of them, do a boolean search for jazz and master and class.

Some of them have not been cataloged yet, so use the request feature in the online catalog, or ask for help at the reference or circulation desks.

Masterclass Media Foundation

This excellent series of 21 DVDs present masterclasses by some of the best performers and teachers in the classical world. From Dame Evelyn Glennie to Maxim Vengerov, the series covers instrumentalists, singers, and conductors. Not to be missed!

To find them in our catalog, limit your search to Films/Videos and do a search for “masterclass media foundation” or the name of the individual presenter.

If there are other titles you’d like to see the Library purchase, please use the online form.