We are Humans, Not Categories.

We are all one in the same, human beings. Created equally, we as a society have instead constructed this idea that we are different from one another based on characteristics like skin color, facial features, or even place of origin. This idea, better known as racism, is used in such a way to assert dominance over others. The worst part about racism is that many people unconsciously discriminate against others just because of the color of their skin. This premise is also highlighted in Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack, written by Peggy McIntosh. By addressing the oppression towards women, McIntosh discussed how the unconsciousness of male privilege correlates to white privilege as a whole. “I think whites are carefully taught not to recognize white privilege, as males are taught not to recognize male privilege” (McIntosh). It is bad enough to express racism, but I feel it is much worse to express it unconsciously. Unfortunately, until we can respect everyone as equal, I believe as a society we are still far from ending the classification of human beings into categories.