Artist’s Statement

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Wilderness Waterfall —A. V. Cloe

A Statement from the Artist

Coming to the University of Illinois as a transfer student, I was not sure how well I would fit into the classroom community. As an engineering student, I find my interests tend to gravitate towards math, science, and technology. For this reason, writing and research tend to be the last thing on my mind. However, as a result of taking this course, I found a new appreciation for writing. An appreciation that I will continue to use throughout the rest of my academic career. While working on the assignments included throughout this portfolio, I learned how to improve upon my writing skills. The best way for me to read and write is in the comfort of a quiet environment, where my thoughts can seamlessly travel to paper. I discovered that good writing is simple and does not distract the reader from the main ideas. I was able to investigate a topic that captivated my own beliefs and interests. A topic that provided me with additional confidence in the academic and career choices I have made so far. My journey throughout this course also acquainted me to the academic environment of the University of Illinois. Most importantly, I was able to revise and improve upon my work. Through the process of revising each “child’s draft,” I learned who I was as a writer and how I could better myself and my writing skills. In a sense, this portfolio is designed to showcase to you, the audience, how my writing improved throughout this semester. Along the way, I have provided different forms of multimedia that better convey who I am as a person.
