All About Yes

College is a time of self-discovery, and for many of you it will be a time and a place where you explore your sexuality. But a truly important part of that journey is understanding consent.

GIF of Moira Rose, from TV show Schitt's Creek, saying

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has an Affirmative Consent Policy, which means they define what consent is, and, very importantly, what consent is NOT. In short, consent is a freely given and ENTHUSIASTIC YES to EVERY STEP of sexual contact. 

Things to remember about consent:

  • Consent can be taken back at ANY time.
  • A “yes” to some things doesn’t automatically mean a yes to everything.
  • Consent can only be given by someone who fully understands their actions. Someone under the influence of drugs, alcohol, someone under the legal age, or someone unconscious or asleep can’t give consent.
  • It is not consent if the person feels threatened or afraid of saying “no.”
  • It is not consent if the person said “no” many times, but was asked until they were worn down or guilted and eventually said “yes.”
  • Just because someone doesn’t say “no,” does not mean they mean “yes.”

GIF of Keenan Thompson enthusiastically saying

When taking part in any sexual activity you need clear consent. If your partner seems quiet or not into it, just stop and talk to them. Proceeding with sexual activity without consent is called sexual assault. 

And consent is sexy! Consent is the best way to know that everyone is comfortable and having a good time. Consent is the key to exploring your sexuality in a safe, respectful manner. How better to get to know your own preferences than to explore in a culture of consent? 

GIF of Thor yelling

Much like other campuses around the country, we are still growing a clear culture of consent on our campus. Studies show that sexual assault does happen on campuses, and it happens at higher rates to women and transgender or gender non-confomring individuals. But that does not mean it doesn’t happen to men either! Sexual assault is defined by the Univeristy of Illinois as “any sexual act directed against another person, without the consent of the victim, including instances where the victim is incapable of giving consent.” Assault can happen to anyone by anyone. This is why understanding exactly what consent is and what it is not is so important. 

Don’t think it’s just sexual contact that’s wrong. Included in the Sexual Misconduct policy at Illinois is Sexual Harassment. Anything that falls under the Sexual Misconduct policy is subject to discipline by the university.  

Sexual assault is NEVER the victim’s fault. If you have been affected by assault, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has resources available to help. We Care can connect you with the right people to report an incident, who to talk to about what happened, and they also provide prevention training. They’ll listen, respect, and believe you. They also have resources for friends and family of assault survivors with simple steps to help you be there for your loved one. 

If you want to build a culture of consent on campus, the first place to start is with your friends and partners. Establish clear communication and consent for any touching, even hugs! Be there for the people around you, respecting them and listening if they have something to tell you. And always remember there are people here at Illinois who are available to help. A culture of consent isn’t something that will happen on its own. Each of us must do our part to make our campus a safe, supportive place to learn and grow.

GIF of Rihanna saying


AAU Climate Survey on Sexual Assault and Sexual Misconduct (2015). Association of American Universities (AAU). (2015, September 3). 

Add Consent to Your Teen’s College Checklist. National Sexual Violence Resource Center. 

At illinois we care. 

Her Campus (2018, April 30). Creating a Culture of Consent on Your Campus. 

Human Resources. Sexual Misconduct – Campus Administrative Manual.


Written by: Maurissa

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Bring Your Own Book Club+

The Undergraduate and the Residence Halls Libraries are putting together a book club this semester!

Gif of Emperor Penguins marching

Work Before

Gif of a child in sunglasses dancing with text "Workin' from home"


With the inability to hang out in-person because of the current environment, we wanted to provide an opportunity for members of the University of Illinois to connect via books and other forms of media such as movies and video games. We hope to provide this program throughout the semester. There will be prizes for individuals who can attend (or participate by writing a blurb, if they cannot make the scheduled meeting).

You might be asking yourself, why a book club?  

Book clubs are great because they provide an opportunity for socialization! Additionally, a book club is a chance to explore and discover new things, particularly while we are limited in our ability to travel and socialize like usual. For instance, campus book clubs held this summer were a great way to get to meet new people over Zoom while everything was shut down. It was also a wonderful way to build reading lists as each attendee shared some great new recommendations. Additionally, these groups provided suggestions of shows and movies, like Great Teacher Onizuka 

Most importantly, reading books, watching television, or playing games is fun! And by extension, so are book clubs. Perhaps the strongest reason to join this book club is that you will meet fellow media and book enthusiasts who are as invested in learning about your likes as we are about you. Maybe we can bond over a show like Lovecraft Country? 

Our first meeting is Wednesday, September 23rd at 6 p.m. RSVP at this sign-up form.  We can’t wait to see you there!

Gif of Aladdin and Jasmine with text "A whole new world"

Written by: Simone

Edited by: Maurissa & Nicole

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The Undergraduate Library Announces the UGL 50th Anniversary Design Competition!

The Undergraduate Library 50th anniversary flyer for the Graphic Design Competition. Create the official UGL @50 design! 1st place receives 100 dollars. 2nd place receives 50 dollars. 3rd place receives 25 dollars. Submission deadline is April 10, 2019. Text is on a yellowish orange block on a white background.

The UGL@50 Design Contest!

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Undergraduate Library at the University of Illinois! As we prepare to turn as golden as the corn in the Morrow Plots, we’re eagerly planning for an awesome celebration in Fall of 2019.  No UGL celebration would be complete without incorporating student creative voices, though, so we’re launching a special competition for aspiring graphic designers.  The UGL is inviting submissions for a commemorative graphic design which represents the look and theme for the UGL@50 celebration, and encapsulates the many roles the library serves in students’ lives.

Prizes will be awarded to the designers of the top three designs. The first-place design will become an enduring part of the UGL’s digital identity and it will be printed on multiple forms of commemorative items including t-shirts, mugs, and other swag! In addition, the first-place logo designer will receive $100, free UGL swag with their design printed on it, and a special invitation to the 50th anniversary celebration taking place in Fall 2019. The second and third-place designs will receive $50 and $25 prizes.

All submissions should reflect a relevant representation of the University of Illinois undergraduate student body, and should embody what the UGL experience means to you and your classmates. The design should celebrate elements from the past, present, and/or future of the UGL, should there be a future UGL. Designers should ask themselves how the UGL has affected their student experience and provide a design representative of their personal association with the library. Most of all, we want you to celebrate the longstanding of our underground gem!

Here are the contest guidelines:

  • The deadline for all submissions is April 10, 2019. Winners will be notified by April 20th.
  • Only current undergraduate students are eligible to compete.
  • Any design shape is permitted, but should scale easily for a variety of formats – including print, digital, and physical items like t-shirt and coffee cups.
  • Designers wishing to incorporate the official University of Illinois colors or ‘Block I’ into their design should refer to the University of Illinois brand guidelines.
  • Only one submission permitted per artist.
  • All entries must be submitted as PDF, PNG, TIFF, or JPEG images with high resolution. Designers are highly encouraged to save the original format.
  • Submitting your artwork will provide the UGL with the right to use your work in promotional materials. You will receive credit and ownership as the content creator. For full contest and ownership details, see the content submission form.
  • Read the full list of contest rules.

Need help getting started? Check out the following resources for some information and inspiration!

Please contact with any questions.

Written by Annabel

Edited by Zander

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The UGL’s Guide to Fall Break

Who’s ready for fall break?

Image of Uggles laying on top of a fruit and vegetable basket

Uggles is allowed on the dining table

Whether you’re staying in the Champaign-Urbana area or traveling away, here are some UGL-approved ideas of how to spend your week of freedom before the final exam crunch begins!

Reading for FUN

A gif image of a cat reading

Plenty to read is available for you and your cat

Missing the good old days of summer when you could read what you wanted, not what your professor assigned? Before you head out of town, stop by the UGL to check out popular novels, graphic novels, and more.

  • Find out more about our Fiction collection, or browse our genre binders on the lower level.
  • If you have a specific book in mind, try searching the Library Catalog to see where to find it.
  • If you’re more of an e-book kind of person, check out our Finding Ebooks guide and find the book for you.

eAudio Books

Screenshot of the rb Digital library for Ebooks

The rb Digital ebook library

The library has an eAudio collection with thousands of audiobooks you can access to make tedious chores or long car rides less boring. Head to the link above for a guide to using this collection, or go straight to the library catalog listing. Once you click “Online Access,” you’ll be brought to a site called rb digital where you can browse or search for books.

Explore C-U

The Explore C-U homepage

Explore C-U

Whether you’re stuck on campus over break or just happen to have family in the area, check out Explore C-U, a University Library developed project that has stories and self-guided tour routes to learn more about the arts, culture, and history of Champaign-Urbana. Examples of tour include:

School Stuff

Maybe you’ve been putting off that research paper, or maybe you just really love your classes. Whatever the reason, know that you still have access to the library’s databases and resources when you’re out of town and off-campus!

Gif of a cat using a laptop and a mouse

Digital access to all of the library’s resources

Start from the library’s home page and find whatever database or journal you need. You’ll be prompted to log in with your NetID and password, then you are good to go. If this doesn’t work, pop in the Ask A Librarian chat on the library’s website for help or check out our guide on accessing databases off campus for other ways you can connect.

Take a little cat nap!

Gif of two very cuddly and very sleep cats yawning

A few extra cat naps over break will be welcome

Whatever you choose, we hope you enjoy the time off and come back refreshed and ready to tackle all of your end-of-semester projects and final exams.

~authored by Amy

~Edited by Zander

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Sleep and Relaxation help coming to the UGL: Mindful Mondays!

In light of recent research into the need for good sleep hygiene, the Undergraduate Library is partnering with the McKinley Health Center to provide relaxation workshops and sleep packs for students.

Mindful Mondays

Dates: Monday, October 29th; Monday, November 26th; and Monday, December 10th

Time: 15 minute sessions between 7 p.m. and 8 p.m.

Location: Outside of the Writers Workshop on the south side of the first floor at the Undergraduate Library

McKinley staff will be available from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. and hold 15-minute sessions which will include guided meditation and muscle relaxation exercises. The McKinley staff are also available to speak with students about techniques for dealing with stress. When the UGL closes at 2:30 a.m. on the Sunday nights before these days, we will be handing out sleep packs filled with an eye mask, earplugs, chamomile tea, and other useful tools for a restful night.

A sleeping cat cuddling a teddy bear

Sleep for your health

A recent article from the New York Times ties together a variety of studies involving college students, sleep, stress, and campus response to these issues. A 2010 study of 1,125 college students found that “feeling stressed was the main reason for poor student sleep, while consumption of alcohol and caffeine were not significant predictors of sleep quality.” Another study published in Nature notes that brain function begins to decline after 16 hours awake. After 20 hours, “you perform as if legally drunk.”

The McKinley Health Center logo and McKinley Wellness app appearing on a phone

The McKinley Wellness app available for you

Although lack of sleep is a strong concern among students–as well as one with serious consequences–few campus health centers have structured programs around tackling this issue. In addition to Mindful Mondays, the McKinley Health Center works to connect with students through the McKinley Wellness App. The app includes a calming memory game, a mood meter, as well as helpful tips for general wellness. To address concerns about good sleep hygiene, the Get Sleep page provides definitions and guidance regarding the issue, as well as a quick link to schedule an appointment with an expert from McKinley.

Stop by one of the Mindful Monday events throughout the rest of the semester to learn more!

Written by Jacqueline

Edited by Zander

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Banned Book Week 2018!

Hash Tag Banned Books Week banner

    Banned Book Week

It’s Banned Book Week! This week, we celebrate our freedom to read and our freedom of speech.The University of Illinois is a champion of free speech on all issues no matter how controversial. Want to join along? The libraries will be celebrating all week with various displays, events and pictures.

Why Free Speech Matters

Where: Undergraduate Library

When: September 27th

The Undergraduate Library is celebrating Banned Books by hosting a table where you can show off why free speech matters to you. Join us on the upper level of the UGL to make a quick sign saying how free speech matters to you!

Literature and Languages Library Display

Cover to Toni Morrison's book, Beloved

    Beloved, a commonly challenged or banned book

Where: The Reading Room in the Main Library building

When: September 24th and throughout the week

The Literature and Languages Library is setting up a display! Matthew Roberts, the Literature and Languages Librarian has this to say about Banned Books Week:

Championed by the American Library Association’s Office for Intellectual Freedom, Banned Books Week brings together the entire book community to support the freedom to seek and to express ideas. Consequently, members of the the University of Illinois’ Literatures and Languages Library created a book display, which highlights important moments in America’s history of book banning and censorship, and underscores a variety of international authors who, in more recent history, have either been imprisoned or exiled due to their literary work. While the display is in no way representative of the entire history of book banning, we hope that it represents the University of Illinois’ commitment to diversity and inclusivity, and to its mission to pioneer innovative research that addresses global problems and expands the human experience.

Some of the authors featured in the display include: Harriet Beecher Stowe, Toni Morrison, Lui Xiabo, Shahrnush Parsipur, Aslı Erdoğan, and Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o. The display also contains an excerpt from the The United States v. One Book Called Ulysses decision, an original copy of which belongs to the Rare Books and Manuscripts Library.

Want to join the library in our battle against censorship? Grab your favorite banned book and use the hashtag #IlliniSpeakOut on social media!

Written and edited by Zander

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Welcome (Back) to the UGL!

The start of the Fall 2018 semester is almost here, and the UGL is excited to welcome new and returning students to campus! We’ve been busy this summer planning events and improving our services for the fall semester. Read on for details, and be sure to follow us on Twitter (@askundergrad), Instagram (askundergrad), and Facebook (@UndergradLibrary) to stay updated on all things UGL throughout the year!

UGL Tabletop Gaming  and Pathfinder Event

Did you know that the UGL has a large collection of tabletop games? Did you know that we host regular Pathfinder Roleplaying Game events during the academic year? Play some old favorites, or learn a new game, at our event this upcoming Saturday.

Date: Saturday, August 25

Time: 1-4 p.m.

Location: Upper Level of the UGL


  • Tabletop Games: Bring your i-card to play games from the UGL’s tabletop collection. Featured games include Chess, Monopoly, Ticket to Ride, Go, Checkers, Dominoes, and much more!
  • Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: New and old players are welcome to play Pathfinder Beginner Box quests (1-4 p.m.), or you can join the Pathfinder Society for the Heroes for Highdelve module (1:30 p.m.).

Book It

You can reserve all of the UGL’s unique services in advance, and this summer we made the task even easier by bringing together all of our bookable services in one place. Introducing, Book It.

Free use of loanable technology, audio and video production studios, group study rooms, and research and writing consultations are just a click away!

Service Desk Updates

Image of the new Loanable Tech Desk location

The view from the new Loanable Tech Desk

To better serve you and expedite the checkout process, the UGL has new homes for our two service desks. The Circulation desk remains adjacent to the Upper Level entrance of the UGL, and the Loanable Technology desk has moved to the Media Commons space on the North side of the Upper Level.

New Hours

Starting Tuesday, September 4, the UGL’s new hours are:

  • Monday-Thursday 7:30 am-2:30 am
  • Friday 7:30 am- 9 pm
  • Saturday 10 am-9 pm
  • Sunday 10 am-2:30 am

We will remain open 24 hours the week of final exams each semester, and beginning September 10th, Grainger will once again operate 24/5 if you need a 24 hour study space.

Written by Kirsten

Edited by Zander

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Summer Reads & Films

We’re just about two months into our summer break and less than a month into the official summer season. It’s hard to admit, but sometimes we need something to break up the countless hours at the beach, playing video games, and all the other stuff that fewer classes and warmer weather allow us to do. Why not pick up or watch one of these newly released or upcoming books and films to pass the time until you’re ready to hit the waves or pick up a controller again?

Summer Reads

Cover art for the book, Calypso


Calypso by David Sedaris

Although this was released at the end of May, it’s still worth checking out as a summer read. From the author of Me talk pretty one day and Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim, Calypso brings back Sedaris’ cunning wit and relatability in yet another must-read collection of essays.

All We Ever Wanted by Emily Griffin

Fans of romantic comedies will instantly recognize Griffin from her hit Something Borrowed, which was adapted into a film starring Ginnifer Goodwin, Kade Hudson, John Krasinski, and Colin Egglesfield. Nina Browning’s life is going well. She’s successful financially and family-wise, her husband recently sold his business for a not-so-small fortune, and her son has been accepted into an Ivy League university. But single father Tom and a single photograph make her question everything in this drama-filled novel. Fans of romance do not want to miss out on this one!

Cover art for the book, Believe It

Believe It

Believe It by Nick Foles 

This humble memoir details how Foles overcame a torn ACL and other obstacles that led him to the Eagles’ first Super Bowl victory in 2017. Foles uses his storytelling to not just recount his own success but to also inspire his readers to be the best they can be. This is a must-read for sports lovers or anyone who needs some inspiration to overcome this upcoming academic year.

Summer Films

Art for the movie, Ant Man and the Wasp

Ant Man and the Wasp

Ant-Man and the Wasp 

Paul Rudd is back as Ant-Man in the sequel to the 2015 superhero blockbuster directed by Peyton Reed, this time joined by the Wasp, played by the returning Evangeline Lilly. Those starving for Marvel-related media after the insane ride that was Avengers: Infinity War will have a great time exploring the quantum realm with Rudd and Lilly.

BlacKkKlansman (Release Date: August 10, 2018)

This Spike Lee-directed comedy is about a black detective from Colorado who goes undercover to infiltrate and eventually lead a chapter of the KKK. Starring John David Washington, son of actor Denzel Washington, and Star Wars-famous Adam Driver, this comedy is set to release in major theaters on the one-year anniversary of the Charlottesville rally with Lee using his and his cast’s comedic talent to tackle very serious social issues.

Art for the movie, Slenderman


Slender Man (Release Date: August 24, 2018)

There’s about a month until this horror film comes out, so you have time to gather up some courage before watching this controversial but highly anticipated film. For those unfamiliar with the story of Slender Man, he’s an impossibly tall, dark, and murderous figure that was created on the online forum Something Awful. It inspired countless stories and memes as well as a real-life murder, sparking the controversy regarding this film’s release. We won’t blame you if you skip out on this one out of fear, but horror film buffs should be in for a treat.

If you’ve already read or seen these books and films, don’t forget to check out the UGL’s New Books section on the upper level and the Media Collection on the lower level. You can browse or use our online catalog. Feel free to ask a student assistant or staff member at the front desk if you need any assistance or recommendations!

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De-Stress Fest 2017

Dogged by a high-stakes final exam?

Donut know what to do to prepare for an essay test?

Tasked with a term paper and still wondering: “Button what should I write?”

Mitigate your distress and de-stress at the UGL’s Destress Fest! This Thursday, December 14th from 12p.m. to 11p.m. the Undergraduate Library is providing resources to help you relax amidst the calamity of finals week.


Therapy dogs are back! They don’t judge, guilt, or grade you–PLUS they have fur and love to be petted.

Library staff will be running campaigns for the fantasy role-playing game, Pathfinder. Stomp out some goblins, cast a few spells, maybe even take a stab at fighting the fearsome Gelatinous Cube.

Come use the UGL’s new button maker! Bring in a favorite photo, inspirational saying, or other (paper) totem of good luck and punch out something you can wear around as you study and destress.

Here is the full list of events

12 to 2p.m. and 6 to 8p.m. Paper Hats, and Origami workshop in the New Books area

12 to 2p.m. Consultants from the Writers Workshop will be at the front of the Upper Level to offer tips and tricks on those daunting final papers

1:45 to 3:45p.m. Therapy dogs will visit the Upper Level!

2 to 4p.m. Stress Management Peers will be at the Front Table to talk about dealing with finals pressure

3 to 5p.m. and 7 to 9p.m. Button making in the New Books Area of the Upper Level.

4 to 6p.m. Representatives from the counseling center’s Integrative Health and Wellness Team at the Front Table on the Upper Level

4 to 11p.m. Writers Workshop Midnight Madness drop-in hours

4 to 5p.m. Breathe, Relax, Focus at the Writers Workshop conference room

6 to 8p.m. Pathfinder Campaigns in dungeon-ized Group Room 11

At 8p.m. there is a a surprise that will make its way around the UGL!

9 to 11p.m. Research and Writing drop-in hours with librarians in the Consultation Corner (back of Upper Level, by the Writers Workshop)

We’ll see you there.

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From the Table to the Couch: Video Games to Play Over Thanksgiving Break

So you’re done eating pounds of turkey and wondering ‘well, what do I do now with all this time on my hands.’ The Undergrad’s got you covered with our extensive video game collection! Take some time to relax and play some games before coming back to studying. Here’s just some of the games that we have available right before the break.

Rock Out with Elite Beat Agents

Elite Beat Agents Cover Art

The Elite Beat Agents

System: DS/3DS

If you like the idea of being a secret agent and a rock star in one package, Elite Beat Agents is the game for you. In this music rhythm game, play through nineteen songs ranging from “Material Girl” by Madonna and “You’re the Inspiration” by Chicago. This is perfect for on the go play.

Prove yourself with Titanfall 2

Titanfall Cover Art


System: Xbox One

Take a friend or annoying sibling and remind them you’re still the best when it comes to FPS. Choose between playing in your Titan or playing as just a tech heavy human in the Game Critics Award multiplayer game of the year for 2016.

Stop Egg Thieves in the Angry Birds Trilogy

Angry Birds Trilogy Cover Art

Angry Birds Trilogy

System: Xbox 360

Play all three Angry Birds games in one with this console version of the addictive phone app. Show your friends you learned something about projectile physics all while taking on those nefarious pigs who are probably planning to steal your eggs.

Explore the World in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild cover art

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

System: WiiU

One of the current nominees for game of the year, 2017 is available for the upcoming break! The weather is starting to be chilly, the leaves aren’t so colorful anymore, but the beautiful world of Breath of the Wild can be seen while you’re drinking hot coffee and snuggling with a blanket indoors.

All of these and more are available at the Undergraduate Library right now, downstairs in the media collection space. Happy gaming!

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