As the semester winds down, the intensity always ramps up. Don’t worry, the UGL has you covered. On Reading Day, Thursday December 13th, we have programming to help curb your stress with our semesterly De-Stress Fest! Choose your own adventure by looking at the categories of programming we have below. For a concise hourly schedule, see the image at the bottom, but be sure you stick around for 8:00p.m.…because you never know what Uggles has up her sleeves—er, paws.

Flyer for Destress Fest. Image shows a very distressed student.

It’s time to Destress!

Tackling that Final Research Paper or Project?

Starting at 12:00p.m. you can join the Writers Workshop in their “Long Night Against Procrastination” to fight the monsters that are your final writing projects. Research consultations will also have extended hours starting at 2:00p.m. until 10:00p.m. in the consultation corner. The Writers Workshop will close at 11:00p.m..

The Writers Workshop will also host several activities throughout the day in the UGL lobby for you word-nerds and grammar geeks (don’t worry, everyone at the library is one too!)

Need to take a break?

The graduate assistants hear you and we want to get crafty! Come procraftinate with us all day long from 12:00p.m. to 4:00p.m. and 5:00p.m. to 8:00p.m. in the new books section of the UGL. We will have coloring pages, pet rock painting, and button making.  If you don’t have time to craft, pick up a de-stress bag full of word puzzles and brain teasers that you can use to take a break between flash cards, math problems, or book chapters!

Feeling competitive?

Come to room 289 to participate in a variety of board games, party games, and an Illini trivia session. If you can pin the tail on Uggles or beat a team of friends/strangers at trivia, you can win a small piece of sugary motivation. (Candy, the motivation is candy.) You can also play one of the board games out of the UGL board game collection!

If you’re into video games, we have that too. From 8:00p.m. to 10:00p.m. in the gaming center, come test your gamer skills on vintage games with classics like Mario Kart, Dr. Mario-Tetris, Street Fighter, and more!

Need to vent or manage your stress?

The Integrative Health and Wellness Team will be in the UGL front lobby from 12:00p.m. to 2:00p.m. and the McKinley Stress Management Peers will have stress balls available for free from 2:00p.m. to 4:00p.m.

Want to escape the real world for a while?

We hear you, and we have just the people to help! Several members of the Pathfinder Society who know how to play the popular Dungeons & Dragons Pathfinder game will be around to answer your Pathfinder related questions from 4:00p.m. to 5:00p.m. in the UGL front lobby. Then you have a chance to use your new knowledge to play a beginners scenario in UGL Group Room 11 from 6:00p.m. to 8:00p.m.

See our full schedule below!

The Destress Fest Full Schedule. The schedule in the image is the following. From noon to ten p.m., Trivia and Board Games in Room 289. From Noon until two p.m., Integrative Health and Wellness Team will be at the Front Tables. From Noon to four p.m. and five p.m. to eight p.m., Pet Rocks, Button Making, and Crafts in the new books area. From two p.m. to ten p.m., Research and Writing Consultations outside the Writer's Workshop. From two p.m. to four p.m., McKinley Stress Management Peers at the Front Tables. From four p.m. to six p.m., Creating your own revision vision board at the front tables. From six p.m. to eight p.m., Pathfinder Beginners Scenario in Group Room eleven and Word Games and Writing Handouts at the Front tables. At eight p.m. there is a surprise, and from eight p.m. to ten p.m. there is vintage video gaming in the Gaming Center.

The Schedule of events

Written by Paige

Edited by Zander

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The UGL’s Guide to Fall Break

Who’s ready for fall break?

Image of Uggles laying on top of a fruit and vegetable basket

Uggles is allowed on the dining table

Whether you’re staying in the Champaign-Urbana area or traveling away, here are some UGL-approved ideas of how to spend your week of freedom before the final exam crunch begins!

Reading for FUN

A gif image of a cat reading

Plenty to read is available for you and your cat

Missing the good old days of summer when you could read what you wanted, not what your professor assigned? Before you head out of town, stop by the UGL to check out popular novels, graphic novels, and more.

  • Find out more about our Fiction collection, or browse our genre binders on the lower level.
  • If you have a specific book in mind, try searching the Library Catalog to see where to find it.
  • If you’re more of an e-book kind of person, check out our Finding Ebooks guide and find the book for you.

eAudio Books

Screenshot of the rb Digital library for Ebooks

The rb Digital ebook library

The library has an eAudio collection with thousands of audiobooks you can access to make tedious chores or long car rides less boring. Head to the link above for a guide to using this collection, or go straight to the library catalog listing. Once you click “Online Access,” you’ll be brought to a site called rb digital where you can browse or search for books.

Explore C-U

The Explore C-U homepage

Explore C-U

Whether you’re stuck on campus over break or just happen to have family in the area, check out Explore C-U, a University Library developed project that has stories and self-guided tour routes to learn more about the arts, culture, and history of Champaign-Urbana. Examples of tour include:

School Stuff

Maybe you’ve been putting off that research paper, or maybe you just really love your classes. Whatever the reason, know that you still have access to the library’s databases and resources when you’re out of town and off-campus!

Gif of a cat using a laptop and a mouse

Digital access to all of the library’s resources

Start from the library’s home page and find whatever database or journal you need. You’ll be prompted to log in with your NetID and password, then you are good to go. If this doesn’t work, pop in the Ask A Librarian chat on the library’s website for help or check out our guide on accessing databases off campus for other ways you can connect.

Take a little cat nap!

Gif of two very cuddly and very sleep cats yawning

A few extra cat naps over break will be welcome

Whatever you choose, we hope you enjoy the time off and come back refreshed and ready to tackle all of your end-of-semester projects and final exams.

~authored by Amy

~Edited by Zander

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Find Uggles Spring 2018

Where is Uggles the UGL cat? Find her and win a prize! 

A photo of Uggles the cat with a headset on

Find Uggles!

The “Find Uggles” contest is back by popular demand! For 14 Mondays beginning January 22 (excluding Spring Break), a photo of Uggles the UGL cat will be hiding in a location around campus. A clue of her hiding place will be posted to our Instagram account each Monday morning at 9 am. Locate her to win $10 cash from the UGL. The winner each week will also have the option to be honored on our Instagram account as the week’s victor!

For clues as to where Uggles is hiding each Monday, follow the UGL on Instagram (@askundergrad). Happy searching!


  1. Eligible participants are undergraduate UIUC students who are enrolled during Spring 2018.
  2. In order to win, participants must bring the photo of Uggles into the Undergraduate Library and present it to staff at the front desk.
  3. Each week, the winner will receive $10.
  4. Winners will need to claim their prize in person and present proof of eligibility (i-card).
  5. Students are only eligible to win a cash prize once for the duration of the competition.
  6. If a prize remains unclaimed by Sunday at 1pm, it will not be awarded for that week.
Photo of person dressed in a cat costume in a hallway

Uggles is Hiding!

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Go On a Cat-Venture!

Uggles, the UGL cat, is on the loose again! Starting today and for 13 more Mondays throughout this school year (excluding campus breaks), you can help us “Find Uggles,” and paw-sibly win some cash!

For clues as to where Uggles is hiding each Monday, follow the UGL on Instagram (@askundergrad). The first person to post a picture or a short video of themselves at Uggles’ weekly location on their Instagram page and tag the UGL wins! Meow-veluos, right?

Uggles is a pretty clever cat and she has selected her locations with a paw-pose. During Spring 2018, we will reveal the special meaning behind all of Uggles’ chosen hiding spots around campus. Happy searching!


1. Eligible participants are undergraduate University of Illinois students who are enrolled during Fall 2017 and Spring 2018.
2. In order to win, participants need to take a picture or short video of themselves at Uggles’ weekly location, post it on their personal Instagram page, and tag @askundergrad. The first one to do so is the winner.
3. UGL staff will contact the winner and set up a time to claim the prize.
4. Each week, the winner will receive $10.
5. Winners will need to claim their prize in person and present proof of eligibility (i-card).
6. Students are only eligible to win a cash prize once for the duration of the competition.
7. If a prize remains unclaimed by Sunday at 1pm, it will not be awarded for that week.
8. Questions? Contact the UGL:

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Find Uggles – Final Update

This year is very special for the University of Illinois because we are celebrating the sesquicentennial, or 150 year anniversary of our University. The day after Uggles is found, we have been revealing the location, along with some historical information about the place where she was hidden. Whether the building is new or old, each building on campus has a unique history! If you’ve missed some of the posts, you can read more below! All of our posts in order create a historical walking tour of campus, so celebrate the sesquicentennial and the spring weather with a stroll around all of Uggles’s hiding spots!

Week 1 (October 31, 2016) – Alma

Uggles at Alma Mater Statue

Uggles at Alma Mater Statue

Congratulations to our first winner, Sandy, who found Uggles hiding at the Alma Mater statue! Alma was unveiled in June 1929 and was originally placed directly behind Foellinger Auditorium. On August 22, 1962, the Alumni Association moved the sculpture to its present location in front of Altgeld Hall.


Week 2 (November 7, 2016) – Foellinger Auditorium

Uggles at Foellinger

Uggles at Foellinger

Congratulations to this week’s winner, Christopher, who found Uggles hiding at Foellinger Auditorium. Built in 1907, Foellinger has had many famous faces speak and perform within. Among these include: John Phillip Sousa, Jane Addams, Robert Frost, Duke Ellington, Eleanor Roosevelt, Ravi Shankar, R. Buckminster Fuller, Maya Angelou, and Bill Gates.


Week 3 (November 14, 2016) – Grange Grove

Uggles at Grange Grove

Uggles at Grange Grove

Congratulations to this week’s winner, Leonel, who found Uggles hiding at Grange Grove, which debuted in 2015.
Grange Grove has transformed what was previously Lot 36, into a free, high-energy tailgating area, which students and fans enjoy!


Week 4 (November 28, 2016) – Lincoln Hall

Uggles at Lincoln Hall

Uggles at Lincoln Hall

Congratulations to this week’s winner, Anih, who found Uggles hiding by the Lincoln Bust in Lincoln Hall.
Lincoln Hall opened in 1911 and has “held theater productions, history museums, libraries, and offices for faculty and staff.”
The bust of Lincoln was added in 1928 and has been there ever since, with the exception of one day in 1979 “when thieves stole the bust and mounted it on a tree stump at a local golf course.”


Week 5 (December 5, 2016) – Illini Union Bookstore

Uggles at the Illini Union Bookstore

Uggles at the Illini Union Bookstore

Congratulations to this week’s winner, Olivia, who found Uggles hiding inside the Illini Union Bookstore. Named as such in 1940, the bookstore is a “continuation of a book exchange organized in the early 1920s by students at the university.” The Illini Union Bookstore is “one of the largest independent college bookstores in the country.”


Week 6 (February 20, 2017) – CRCE

Uggles at CRCE

Uggles at CRCE

Congratulations to this week’s winner, Jessica, who found Uggles hiding inside the Campus Recreation Center East (CRCE). Although it originally opened in 1988, CRCE as we know it today officially opened in March 2005. Along with the usual basketball courts and gyms, CRCE also has an indoor waterslide and a waterfall!


Week 7 (February 27, 2016) – Main Library

Uggles at the Main Library Information Desk

Uggles at the Main Library Information Desk

Congratulations to this week’s winner who found Uggles hiding in the Main Library! The Main Library was founded in 1867 and actually pre-dates the University, as the founders wanted students and staff to have access to books and materials “from the day they arrived on campus.” The Library officially opened in 1868, and eventually moved to the building we know it as in 1926.


Week 8 (March 6, 2017) – Funk ACES Library

Uggles at Funk ACES

Uggles at Funk ACES

Congratulations to this week’s winner, Kelsey, who found Uggles hiding outside the Funk ACES library! It was built and dedicated in 2001, and “one of the study rooms on the fourth floor is a gift from the College of Agriculture Class of 1941, honoring their 10 classmates who died in the Second World War.”


Week 9 (March 14, 2017) – English Building

Uggles at the English Building

Uggles at the English Building

Congratulations to this week’s winner, Logan, who found Uggles hiding outside of the English Building. Built in 1905, the English Building has quite the history. Originally serving as a women’s dormitory with a gymnasium and pool, it eventually became the home economics department and was renamed Bevier Hall in 1947. Finally becoming the English Building in 1956, there are many rumors surrounding the supposed haunting of this building.


Week 10 (March 27, 2017) – Illini Union

Uggles at Illini Union

Uggles at Illini Union

Congratulations to this week’s winner, Hector, who found Uggles hiding outside the Illini Union, which opened on February 8th, 1941 and celebrated its 75th Anniversary last year! “The building was designed in the shape of an ‘I’ to honor the university,” and was dedicated by Eleanor Roosevelt in 1942.


Week 11 (April 3, 2017) – Undergraduate Library

Uggles at the Undergraduate Library

Uggles at the Undergraduate Library

Congratulations to this week’s winner, Laura, who found Uggles hiding in the Undergrad Library’s courtyard! The UGL was dedicated in November 1969, and the inscription around the top of the courtyard was a gift from the class of 1916. The reason that the UGL was built underground was to avoid casting shade on the Morrow Plots. It was also to allow for open space behind Foellinger Auditorium, an important part of the Campus Master Plan at that time.


Week 12 (April 10, 2017) – University Gateway

Uggles at the University Gateway

Uggles at the University Gateway

Congratulations to this week’s winner, Ana Michaela, who found Uggles hiding at the Gateway on Lincoln and Green! As the easternmost entrance, it welcomes Urbana residents to come visit this bustling area of campus town. Further down on Green Street there are many different restaurants and shops that make it the social hub of our campus.

Week 13 (April 17, 2017) – Grainger Engineering Library

Uggles hiding with Grainger Bob

Uggles hiding with Grainger Bob

Congratulations to this week’s winner who found Uggles hiding outside of Grainger Engineering Library. Dedicated in 1994, Grainger is the largest engineering library in the country.
The ribbon cutting ceremony was performed on a touch-screen computer and when the ribbon was “cut”, fireworks appeared on the screen. In 1994, this was cutting-edge technology!
Uggles was hiding with the statue outside of Grainger, known as “Grainger Bob.”

Sources: 1 and 2

Week 14 (April 24, 2017) – Morrow Plots

Uggles at the Morrow Plots

Uggles at the Morrow Plots

Congratulations to this week’s winner, Kennedy, who found Uggles hiding in the Morrow Plots! Founded in 1876, the Morrow Plots are the “oldest continually used experimental agricultural fields in the U.S. and the second oldest in the world.”


Week 15 (May 1, 2017) – Eternal Flame

Uggles at the Eternal Flame

Uggles at the Eternal Flame

Congratulations to this week’s winner, Jose, who found Uggles hiding at the Eternal Flame, which was a gift from the class of 1912. There is a campus myth that states, “A lover’s kiss will bring eternal bliss,” signifying that if you kiss your lover under the flame, your relationship will last forever. No matter the legend, the Eternal Flame is a great place to sit and enjoy the nice weather on the Quad!


Grand Prize

Ana Michaela, the winner of our Kindle Fire Grand Prize raffle

Ana Michaela, the winner of our Kindle Fire Grand Prize raffle

Congratulations to the winner of our Grand Prize raffle Ana Michaela, who won a Kindle Fire!

Want to learn more about Uggles or follow along for other contests? Check out our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages!

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Find Uggles – Update

Have you been following along with our Find Uggles contest? Each week, Uggles, the Undergrad Library cat, is hiding in a different location on campus. Each Monday, you can find a clue to her location by checking out our Instagram (@askundergrad).

The first person to return her to the circulation desk at the UGL gets a cash prize and has their name entered in a drawing for a Kindle Fire which will take place at the end of the semester.

This year is very special for the University of Illinois because we are celebrating the sesquicentennial, or 150 year anniversary of our University. The day after Uggles is found, we have been revealing the location, along with some historical information about the place where she was hidden. Whether the building is new or old, each building on campus has a unique history! If you’ve missed some of the posts, you can read more below!

Week 1 (October 31, 2016) – Alma

Uggles at Alma Mater Statue

Uggles at Alma Mater Statue

Congratulations to our first winner, Sandy, who found Uggles hiding at the Alma Mater statue! Alma was unveiled in June 1929 and was originally placed directly behind Foellinger Auditorium. On August 22, 1962, the Alumni Association moved the sculpture to its present location in front of Altgeld Hall.


Week 2 (November 7, 2016) – Foellinger Auditorium

Uggles at Foellinger

Uggles at Foellinger

Congratulations to this week’s winner, Christopher, who found Uggles hiding at Foellinger Auditorium. Built in 1907, Foellinger has had many famous faces speak and perform within. Among these include: John Phillip Sousa, Jane Addams, Robert Frost, Duke Ellington, Eleanor Roosevelt, Ravi Shankar, R. Buckminster Fuller, Maya Angelou, and Bill Gates.


Week 3 (November 14, 2016) – Grange Grove

Uggles at Grange Grove

Uggles at Grange Grove

Congratulations to this week’s winner, Leonel, who found Uggles hiding at Grange Grove, which debuted in 2015.
Grange Grove has transformed what was previously Lot 36, into a free, high-energy tailgating area, which students and fans enjoy!


Week 4 (November 28, 2016) – Lincoln Hall

Uggles at Lincoln Hall

Uggles at Lincoln Hall

Congratulations to this week’s winner, Anih, who found Uggles hiding by the Lincoln Bust in Lincoln Hall.
Lincoln Hall opened in 1911 and has “held theater productions, history museums, libraries, and offices for faculty and staff.”
The bust of Lincoln was added in 1928 and has been there ever since, with the exception of one day in 1979 “when thieves stole the bust and mounted it on a tree stump at a local golf course.”


Week 5 (December 5, 2016) – Illini Union Bookstore

Uggles at the Illini Union Bookstore

Uggles at the Illini Union Bookstore

Congratulations to this week’s winner, Olivia, who found Uggles hiding inside the Illini Union Bookstore. Named as such in 1940, the bookstore is a “continuation of a book exchange organized in the early 1920s by students at the university.” The Illini Union Bookstore is “one of the largest independent college bookstores in the country.”


Week 6 (February 20, 2017) – CRCE

Uggles at CRCE

Uggles at CRCE

Congratulations to this week’s winner, Jessica, who found Uggles hiding inside the Campus Recreation Center East (CRCE). Although it originally opened in 1988, CRCE as we know it today officially opened in March 2005. Along with the usual basketball courts and gyms, CRCE also has an indoor waterslide and a waterfall!


Week 7 (February 27, 2016) – Main Library

Uggles at the Main Library Information Desk

Uggles at the Main Library Information Desk

Congratulations to this week’s winner who found Uggles hiding in the Main Library! The Main Library was founded in 1867 and actually pre-dates the University, as the founders wanted students and staff to have access to books and materials “from the day they arrived on campus.” The Library officially opened in 1868, and eventually moved to the building we know it as in 1926.


Week 8 (March 6, 2017) – Funk ACES Library

Uggles at Funk ACES

Uggles at Funk ACES

Congratulations to this week’s winner, Kelsey, who found Uggles hiding outside the Funk ACES library! It was built and dedicated in 2001, and “one of the study rooms on the fourth floor is a gift from the College of Agriculture Class of 1941, honoring their 10 classmates who died in the Second World War.”


Week 9 (March 14, 2017) – English Building

Uggles at the English Building

Uggles at the English Building

Congratulations to this week’s winner, Logan, who found Uggles hiding outside of the English Building. Built in 1905, the English Building has quite the history. Originally serving as a women’s dormitory with a gymnasium and pool, it eventually became the home economics department and was renamed Bevier Hall in 1947. Finally becoming the English Building in 1956, there are many rumors surrounding the supposed haunting of this building.


Be sure to follow along on Instagram each week for your chance at finding Uggles and winning a prize. (See our original post with rules and other info at


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UGL 101: Silent UGL

Photo courtesy of UGL Media Commons

Silent UGL featuring Uggles the UGL Cat

The UGL has a new web series: Silent UGL. Silent UGL features tasks, punishment, humiliation, exploding food, and Uggles the UGL Cat. Watch as contestants perform tasks while trying, and sometimes failing, to remain silent on the Lower Level.

The Staring Contest

The Lower Level of the UGL is a space meant for quiet studying. Staring contests are allowed, as long as they are silent.

Food Foolishness

The UGL has a new food and drink policy: food is allowed as long as it is not smelly, noisy, or greasy. You should probably keep your exploding chips back at your dorm room.

Read more about policies at the UGL on our About the Library page.

Like the video? Let us know by tweeting at us (@askundergrad) or writing on our Facebook wall (Undergraduate Library @ UIUC). Make sure to follow us on Instagram (@askundergrad) to get a peak behind the scenes and catch up on the latest adventures of Uggles!

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The Autobiography of Uggles

Uggles the UGL cat here! Due to my popularity and positive qualities that some describe as “being impossibly cute,” the Undergraduate Library has asked me to take over social media this week and I am starting with the blog! People know me as the UGL librarian with the best hair, but there’s more to my story than great fur. Let’s take a look into how I became the research superstar that I am today.

Me as an angsty teenager. It was just a phase.

Me as an angsty teenager. It was a phase.

A long time ago a beautiful baby kitten was born in a barn, a barn unsuitable for the cat’s beauty. This little kitten was full of energy, incredibly cute, and was a strong, independent kitty. If you haven’t figured it out by now, that kitten was me – Uggles. For a while I played around the barn, chased mice and all of that fun stuff, but I soon realized that I was different than my brothers and sisters. While my siblings didn’t even think to question their boring, dry cat food, I was busy researching the medical benefits of a wet food diet. I knew that I was a different cat with real goals and aspirations, so I decided to head to the good state of Illinois where my cat ambitions could lead me to bigger and better things.

I was a procatstinator as an undergrad.

I was quite the procatstinator as an undergrad.

I arrived in Illinois and decided to attend the best school for cats in the entire country – Mewniversity of Illinois. There I double majored in history and Meowconomics. I graduated early and decided to take my talents to the number one library school in the nation – The University of Illinois. I have always loved researching and helping people so I dec- SQUIRREL! Ahem, excuse me. I always loved helping people so I decided to study librarianship. My primary focus was Kitten Services Librarianship, but I also researched the effects of prolonged purring on the study habits of undergraduate students.

Luckily the UGL saw my skills and offered me a very attractive package of health insurance and toy mice. What else could I need?! I started working at the UGL this past spring and I am currently the head of Feline and Snuggling services, where I wow students with my cuteness while helping them find information. I love interacting with students and will hopefully be around in the spr – MAGIC RED DOT! Excuse me…. In the spring.I really enjoy helping students find what they need, mostly because I am a very nice cat and also because I feel bad. Most of the students I see are seriously lacking in fur. How will they ever survive these cold Champaign winters? Currently I am the head of Feline and Snuggling Services where I wow students with my cuteness. Did you see my debut video? That is just a sample of what I bring to the table… that I am mostly likely on top of without your permission.



In my spare time I like to peruse the UGL media collection for sophisticated TV shows. My favorite is a show about aristocratic cats in turn of the century England. Have you heard of Downton Catty before? I also thoroughly enjoy photoshopping myself into random images from the internet using the Macs in the Media Commons. Do you see that photo of me on the Iron Throne? I look purrrrfect! If I was a Cat-leesi my rule would, of course, be benevolent and just. I would shower you all with jingly ball t – BIRDS!!!!

To witness more of my social media takeover, follow the UGL Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest for the rest of the week!

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De-Stress Fest! Therapy Dogs, Chair Yoga, and a special guest

The Spring semester is almost to an end and finals are near. Take a break and refresh with therapy dogs at the UGL, Grainger, and Funk ACES libraries. And check out the UGL’s first-ever De-Stress Fest, featuring yoga, coloring books, McKinley Stress Management Peers, and the UIUC Counseling Center. For the grand finale, Uggles the UGL Cat (weather permitting) will be outside of the UGL for a meet-and-greet!

Join us for the de-stress fest!

Join us for the de-stress fest!

The Therapy Dog Schedule is:

May 7th ACES:

Jeannie 2-4 PM
Fitz 2-4 PM
Wyatt the Cat 2-4pm

May 11th Grainger:
Sam 2-4 PM
Lilly 2-4 PM
Atlas 2-3 PM

May 12th UGL:
Raven 2-4 PM
Twiggy 3-4 PM
Atlas 2-3 PM

The De-Stress Fest will include Chair Yoga sessions provided by Christine Janak ( Two sessions will take place at 2:15 to 2:45 and 3:00-3:30. The UIUC Counseling Center will also be at the UGL providing information on campus de-stress resources, as well as the McKinley Stress Management Peers.

There will also be a scheduled meet and greet with Uggles the UGL Cat on Tuesday May 12th on the plaza level outside the UGL (weather permitting). Take this opportunity to take a selfie with #Uggles.

Now – let’s meet some of our certified therapy animals, provided courtesy of the CU Canine Connection and CU Registered Therapy Animals (


Rub Lilly's tummy!

Rub Lilly’s tummy!

This cutie will be at Grainger on May 11th. She is a Goldendoodle with many talents. They include being a registered therapy dog and a certified Reading Education Assistance Dog (READ). Like many dogs, her likes include snuggling, playing with humans, and listening to a good book.

 Hercules and Fitz

Hercules and Fitz

Hercules and Fitz

We also have Hercules and sibling, Fitz. Fitz is a visla/chocolate lab mix, while Hercules is a boxer/Boston terrier/American Staffordshire terrier.They both enjoy chasing each other and squirrels, taking naps, and being cuddled. They will be at ACES on May 7th, so come say hi!


Raven, on the left

Raven, on the left

Raven is a Standard Poodle.She does most of her therapy work at libraries  and loves people from all ages. In order to relax, Raven likes to play fetch with Frisbees and tennis balls. She will be at the UGL on May 12th.


Sam. Photo courtesy of the Media Commons

Sam in all his glory. Photo courtesy of the Media Commons

Sam is an adorable and fuzzy Alaskan Malamute. He is great company and enjoys when people pet him. Like everyone, he is not a fan of finals but is very happy to be at UIUC to relieve peoples stress. Sam will be at Grainger on May 11th. Come on by and take a picture with him!


Wyatt the Cat. Photo courtesy of Lori Kistler

Wyatt the Cat. Photo courtesy of Lori Kistler

Wyatt is a “puppy cat.” What does this mean? He loves people petting him and how good of a boy he is, He is 6 years old and has been a certified therapy cat for 2 years, His likes includes getting petted by humans and eating junk food. Wyatt will be at ACES on May 7th.

Remember, these are just a couple of dogs (and cats) that will be here during finals week. Mark them on your calendar and we look forward to seeing you all there.

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