In light of recent research into the need for good sleep hygiene, the Undergraduate Library is partnering with the McKinley Health Center to provide relaxation workshops and sleep packs for students.
Mindful Mondays
Dates: Monday, October 29th; Monday, November 26th; and Monday, December 10th
Time: 15 minute sessions between 7 p.m. and 8 p.m.
Location: Outside of the Writers Workshop on the south side of the first floor at the Undergraduate Library
McKinley staff will be available from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. and hold 15-minute sessions which will include guided meditation and muscle relaxation exercises. The McKinley staff are also available to speak with students about techniques for dealing with stress. When the UGL closes at 2:30 a.m. on the Sunday nights before these days, we will be handing out sleep packs filled with an eye mask, earplugs, chamomile tea, and other useful tools for a restful night.

Sleep for your health
A recent article from the New York Times ties together a variety of studies involving college students, sleep, stress, and campus response to these issues. A 2010 study of 1,125 college students found that “feeling stressed was the main reason for poor student sleep, while consumption of alcohol and caffeine were not significant predictors of sleep quality.” Another study published in Nature notes that brain function begins to decline after 16 hours awake. After 20 hours, “you perform as if legally drunk.”

The McKinley Wellness app available for you
Although lack of sleep is a strong concern among students–as well as one with serious consequences–few campus health centers have structured programs around tackling this issue. In addition to Mindful Mondays, the McKinley Health Center works to connect with students through the McKinley Wellness App. The app includes a calming memory game, a mood meter, as well as helpful tips for general wellness. To address concerns about good sleep hygiene, the Get Sleep page provides definitions and guidance regarding the issue, as well as a quick link to schedule an appointment with an expert from McKinley.
Stop by one of the Mindful Monday events throughout the rest of the semester to learn more!
Written by Jacqueline
Edited by Zander