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Dear Devin,

I’m stuck.  I have to start deciding on a topic to create a research paper for and I don’t know where to begin.  The paper needs to have exigence and I thought you could help me to sort through some ideas that I’ve been pondering for a while.  You and I both know that the thing that I have the most passion for is sports, so most of my ideas spawn from that topic.  I began initially thinking of the hot topic of participation trophies in youth sports since many people debate both sides of it.  Another topic I’ve been considering is whether or not college athletes should get some sort of pay, this is a little more prevalent for me since I’m in college now so it could be more interesting to dive into.  The other topic I was considering was to take a closer look at civil rights protests through sports, due to recent events from Colin Kaepernick kneeling during the national anthem which is creating a great deal of controversy in the media.  If you can help me to narrow down a topic, that would be awesome! See you soon!

Yours Truly,


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