Artist’s Statement

Once again, welcome to my Final Portfolio, where I will be revising some of my major and minor writing assignments from the semester.  Along with that, I will be giving you an insight to my writing process and the strategies I take when molding a finished product.  Before I do that, let me start with a little background of my interaction with Rhetoric 105.

English has never been my favorite subject in school, so coming into this class I wasn’t prepared to learn or improve my skills as a writer.  I only wanted to complete the course and move on, but through participation I gained a new perspective.  I realized language, writing, and using rhetorical skills could be considered the base of human interaction, which is a major part of life.  This course has helped me tame the basic and complex skills that I will continue to use as a writer.  Using this new perspective, I will be able to adapt my approach to my future work as a Civil Engineer, which will help because engineers are usually branded as being anti-social.  These language and rhetoric skills will improve my communication through writing and interaction.  Moving forward, this course has aided me in finding a form of personal expression through my writing.