- Prepare an inventory of media outlets that mainly broadcast on health-related issues in The Gambia ad write a 300-word reflection about their nature and the general focus of their broadcasting.
- Write an additional 200-word reflection on the situation of health information dissemination in the Gambian press community.
Bintou Jallow
Project 1
Prepare an inventory of media outlets that mainly broadcast on health-related issues in The Gambia ad write a 300-word reflection about their nature and the general focus of their broadcasting.
Ci walu taskutu xi baar ci Gambi, television, bontu nguur gi taaxu werigu-yaram, mbootaayu xeet yi, rajo, akk internet.
Ayu bis bu nekk, dinanu am waaxtan yiu jim ci walu werigu-yaram ci television akk radio. Ci waaxtan yi, dinanu xaatan ci werigi-yaram jigeeni werul. Dinan len diggtal nakka lanu deff ci wala ges fajkatbi akk sinnu werigi-yaram. Dinanu waaxtan ci jafee jafee yi jigeeni werul ye di aam. Dinan leen waaxtanal wallu garab nyu baax ci jigeeni werul akk garab yi baaxul.
Ci walu bontu nguur gi taaxu werigu-yaram, dinanu aam buntyu sett walu werigi-yaram xaaliyi. Dinanu joxi xibaaru sibbiru ci, ci waxtu taw bi newee. Waxtu taw, ndox bi dina taa, the ndox bi but aa e, xaaleyi di nano fo ci ndox bu cetul. Ndox bu cetul dina am aay jangoro. Xaaleyi dinanu sibberu. Ndax aar xaaleyi bunu sibberu, nguurgi dina wax ci rajo yi akk tele yi, ak ci keyite yeenekaay yi.
Nguur gi dina tamit yebane ci dikk yi nekk ci caaw gi ci xaatu taw ay waxtan gir sibberu ci. Nguur gi di na jallalem xibaari werigi-yaram waxtu noor, ndax noor bi dina indi nyakku ndox. Nyakku ndox di na tax magyi, xaaleyi, akk jigeeni werul.
Jallalem xibaari weri-yaram ci Gambi baariwul lool. Ndax ti reew mi dafa ndow te amul xalis bu raari.