
In particular this assignment has demonstrated to me what kind of improvements I have made as a writer and what flaws I held or still hold as a writer. Reflecting on one’s own work is a great technique to carry because then one is able to not just only figure out what their flaw are, but improve their work with their own feedback. Earlier in the semester I would have never thought of being able to look at my own work and recognize the flaws. Mrs. Hays has influenced me a lot throughout the semester and taught me many skills that I did not hold before entering her classroom, which is why this reflection meant a lot to me in accordance to the fact that I can no somewhat look at my work and find errors that need to be corrected.

The changes that I made to the writing were elaborations and grammatical changes. Since the beginning of the assignment there have not been any changes in idea because as mentioned it was only a short assignment an consisted more of just my own thoughts on my work. In conclusion, all this assignment required was re-reading and looking over little details.

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