In the Armory Free Theatre

In the Armory Free Theatre

Since the Armory Free Theater is primarily a student-producing space, your first point of contact is likely to be a student supervisor like a director stage manager, or designer.  It’s always okay to approach fellow students for support and allyship, but they may not be able to obtain the outcome you are looking for because they are students too.  So consider these alternatives to student supervisors:

  • The graduate student Armory Manager – Landon (
  • Academic Advisor / Faculty Sponsor of the Project
    • This person is different for each project at the Armory. To identify who this is for your project please reach out to the Armory Free Theatre Manager – Landon (

You Can Also Try These Pathways:

If you prefer not to contact any of the people listed above, or you spoke to them but you desire further action, you can pursue one of these alternative pathways:

If you are not comfortable with the above options, or you have used them but you desire further action, make an appointment with the Head of Illinois Theatre, Valleri Robinson ( or the Associate Head, JW Morrisette (

If you prefer to speak with someone outside of the department, please consult the  curated list of “Non-Departmental Support Resources