Illinois Site Templater – Conference

Description: The Illinois Site Templater – Conference plugin is designed to create a repeatable, archivable website for a conference that may occur more than once, providing an outline and simple content structure along with embedded images that campus people can customize for their own needs.
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Bellows Pro Accordion Menu

Description: Bellows Pro Accordion Menu will create self-updating, page-relationship-aware navigation menus (similar to the Confluence Wiki’s self-updating menu).

Plugin creator’s site: Bellows Pro Accordion Menu by SevenSpark

How to use:

After enabling the Bellows Pro Accordion Menu plugin, you’ll want to visit its control panel.

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Content Views plugin

Description: “Query and display posts, pages in awesome layouts (grid, scrollable list, collapsible list) easier than ever, without coding!”

Plugin creator site:

Examples: In this page there are three layouts of every post marked in the “Site management” category — grid, scrollable list, and collapsible list.

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