The Table of Contents plugin can be used to add a table of contents that is generated from the headings you’ve used within a page or post. It can be configured to either insert itself automatically, to wait for a certain number of headlines to insert itself, or to only do so when called with a short code. In addition, the Sitemap feature can help you provide site-wide navigation.
Plugin creator’s site
The plugin creator’s site is at
How to use the Table of Contents:
- When logged in to your Publish site as an admin, go to the Plugins item in the left navigation.
- Enable the Table of Contents Plus plugin.
- In the Settings option that appears in the Table of Contents Plus section when the plugin is enabled, you can choose when and how you want your table of contents to appear.
- In your pages and posts, use headings as you wish to structure your pages’ content.
- You can either place a Table of Contents where you want it by using the shortcode
(inside angle brackets). Or you can configure it to automatically appear at a particular place after a certain number of headings have been used. (This page has a manually-placed table of contents. It’s also been structured differently than the others to use more headings.)
How to use the Sitemap:
- If the Table of Contents Plus plugin is not yet enabled on your site, follow steps 1-3 above.
- In the Settings area, choose the Sitemap tab and choose what display options you want. (Note that a Sitemap can list your choice(s) of pages and categories, but cannot list posts.)
- Place the short code
(inside angle brackets) in the place where you want your site map to be displayed. (An example appears below.)
Sitemap Example
This sitemap lists categories but not pages.