Space & Time Warp

Name: Wormhole

Creators: Tianjian Peng, Lilla Szini

Medium: Fabrics, Metal wires, El wires

With the innovation of science and technology, human beings are increasingly curious about the interplanetary crossing. Wormholes, a concept often mentioned in science fiction and movies, this narrow space-time channel makes it possible for people to fantasize about fast space travel.

The wormhole was named after John Wheeler. But this concept was proposed by Ludwig Flamm in studying the solution of Einstein’s gravitational field equation. This wormhole model gives viewers a scientific and artistic approach into wormholes. The wormhole is two black holes connecting through their singularities, so the wormhole is also funnel-shaped like black holes at both ends. From the outside, the wormhole looks black and shows its enormous gravitational field that makes light impossible to escape. The interior shows the Doppler effect of light going through under gravity. In the middle of interior, the event horizon area of ​​the two black holes appears completely black. From the side of the wormhole, the viewer can observe the space connecting by wormhole and the gravitational lensing effect.

The basic frame of the model consists of spiraling metal wires, covered by a black fabric. The internal light comes from the el wires.


Name: Brane of Universe

Creators: Tianjian Peng, Lilla Szini

Medium: Fabrics, Chicken wires, Lamp

In universe, the huge gravitational field cause the warp of time and space. This concept is mainly discussed in Albert Einstein’s profound General Relativity Theory.

Our solar system could be seen in a two-dimensional space like a brane. The huge gravitational field of the Sun makes vicinity space near it bend downwards. It’s just look like a bulk emerging on a brane.

The black fabric with chicken wires are used to represent the time and space in the universe.