Playing Akash in Quantum Voyages

I played the role of Akash in the production of Quantum Voyages. Quantum Voyages is a show that is a unique mash-up of Dante’s Inferno and a physics textbook. Two characters, Akash and Terra, are guided by Sapienza through various aspects of the quantum world such as Bose Einstein Condensation, light, the “Fermi Sea,” and MRI machines. Akash is the uptight, highly analytic, not too fun at parties personality and he is juxtaposed next to Terra who is the easy going, fun loving, whimsical type. It was quite a lot of fun playing Akash as I am not like him at all. For me, much of the fun in acting is becoming someone who you aren’t and trying to figure out how your character would respond to different situations.

Small Biography for Michael: I am first year PhD student in the physics department. I work in the Gadway lab which does quantum simulation of condensed matter systems using ultracold atoms and molecules. As a result, I have a very close working relationship with the Bose-Einstein condensation scene in Quantum Voyages. This show was the first theater performance I have been a part of since high school, and I was very excited to be back on stage again!