Eight Steps toward a Summer Internship

interns-voted-these-are-their-20-favorite-advertising-internships-in-the-usNow is a good time to start thinking about summer internships.

You can find a hand-picked selection of offerings from I-Link on the Internships webpage, but this list is far from exhaustive.  Even if you see a few things there you want to apply for, looking on your own will make it more likely that you find an internship that will advance your career goals.

Not sure what your career goals are?  Not clear on exactly how an internship fits into your plans?  Some advice:

  1.  Create a need/want list.  Brainstorm all the things you would like an internship to include, taking into account salary, location, opportunities to learn relevant skills, time to do the other things you need to do in the summer, mentoring, opportunities to network, exposure to particular fields or industries, and the like. Then separate the list into things that you would like versus things that an internship HAS to include in order to be helpful to you.
  2. Think carefully about whether an internship is the only or best way to move forward on your career path. Knowing what you want to gain from an internship will help you evaluate whether a particular opportunity will be beneficial or exploitative. Depending on your goals, a paid job, some job-shadowing and informational interviewing, or a volunteer position could give you similar experience without.the time commitment of an internship. Particularly if you’re only applying for a few highly competitive internships, having a good backup plan in mind will help keep your focus where it belongs–on the big picture, rather than on any one opportunity.
  3. Start looking.
    • I-Link is a great place for Illinois students to start, but it’s not the only source.
    • Steer clear of opportunities that charge fees or that won’t offer meaningful supervision.
    • Check out the websites of companies or organizations that interest you; a “careers” or “opportunities” or “volunteer” tab will often take you to information about any internships they offer.
    • Search the idealist.org for openings with nonprofit organizations.
    • Search indeed.com because it’s one of the largest and most popular job-search websites.
    • Search usajobs.gov for positions with the US government.
  4. Get your application materials together:
    • gather all the relevant information for your resume and start putting it together in a graceful and clear format.  You’ll need to customize your resume for each internship that asks for one, but it’s helpful to get feedback on an all-purpose version of the document from as many people as possible (including the English Department’s own Director of Internships, who is happy to guide you in writing an effective resume)
    • talk to people you might need as references–make sure they’re willing to be called on your behalf and that you have up-to-date contact information to give potential internship employers.
    • if you are applying for positions that require writing samples, decide which of your academic papers or extracurricular writing would best serve the purpose.
    • Sometimes marketing or communications positions give you a specific writing prompt or encourage you to be “creative” in your application. If so, think of your application as a writing audition: you’re demonstrating the very communication skills that your employer will draw on if you’re selected.  Read as much of the organization’s own material as you can and try to match their style and sense of humor.
  5. Keep track of what you apply to and when.
  6. Keep searching for new opportunities, even after you start submitting applications.
  7. Have a meaningful backup plan in mind: if you don’t get any of the internships you’re applying to, what combination of paid employment, volunteer work, and independent activity will help you gain relevant experience over the summer?
  8. Keep the English Advising Office in the loop!  We want to know about your successes, and we’re also hear to help you tweak your application materials and regroup if things don’t work out.

Continue reading “Eight Steps toward a Summer Internship”

Starting Your Search for Spring or Summer Internships

findinternshipsIt’s not too early to start thinking about spring or summer internships.

Spring semester internships are starting to get advertised on the Internships page of this website.

For summer internships, your search should begin with I-Link, the U of I’s own job search database.  If you haven’t used I-Link before, you’ll need to provide some basic information the first time you log in, but after that your NetID and password will take you straight to it, and the “Jobs” tab will take you to “I-Link Jobs.”

Some hints for searching effectively:

  1. Use the “Advanced Search” button, but DO NOT type anything into the search bar.
  2. Though it’s the most prominent, ignore the “Job Function” menu.
  3. Use the “Position Type” menu to limit your search to “Internship/Co-op (degree in progress).”
  4. Use the “Industry” menu to search within fields that interest you.
  5. Don’t rule out an interesting-sounding opportunity until you’ve looked specifically at the qualifications the employer is seeking.  You may be more qualified than you think, particularly if you keep in mind that English is frequently an “other related major.”

Once you’re logged into I-Link you’ll be able to see the positions curated by LAS for its majors.

An additional source for finding internships specifically with not-for-profit organizations is idealist.org.

Is there a particular company or organization you dream of working with?  Check their website–they may offer internships.


Careers in Communications

mjreillyJust this week at Beckman institute, researchers figured out ways to (1) remove salt from seawater, (2) get a prosthetic hand to communicate the sensation of touch to brain, and (3) make distracting things less distracting.  Next week, there will be a whole different set of mind-blowing research to tell the world about–and people will know about it because the Communications Office at Beckman Institute finds ways to introduce the world to the the great work being done over there.

Every business or organization needs to tell its story, in a number of ways and on different platforms.  That realm of endeavor often goes by the name “communications”–and humanities majors tend to be good at it.  Learn more on Wednesday, Nov. 18, 5 – 6 pm in EB 119, when Maeve Reilly, Director of Communications for the Beckman Institute wlll tell us about how she does it and the kinds of skills it entails.Beckman_Institute_-_UIUC_-_DSC09082

What is the Arts and Culture Career Fair? Do I really have to go to Chicago for it?

Arts and Culture Career Fair banner headingPNGWhy do thieves rob banks? Because that’s where the money is. Why hold the Arts and Culture Career Fair in Chicago? Because that’s where the art and culture is.

Big corporations and organizations that recruit large numbers of students at events like  the Business Career Fair and All-Campus Career Fair can afford to pull staff members away from their regular tasks and send them down to Champaign-Urbana for a day of talking to students.

Arts and culture organizations don’t usually work like that.  They have shows to put on, musicians and artist to represent, galleries to staff, donors to cultivate, events to plan, workshops and performances to organize, not enough people to do it all, and shoestring budgets to pay for it. But they need employees, too: dedicated, arts- and culture-centered people who want to make a living working with and supporting those who perform, create, teach, and inspire.

Therefore, we’ll bring you to them, at this joint venture with UIC.  There’s even transportation available (see details at the bottom of the graphic).

Eager to work in the arts, but not sure how to make the case for yourself to an employer? Michele Plante of the College of Fine and Applied Arts will lead a workshop on resumes and elevator pitches on Monday, November 30, 4 – 5pm, in 149 English Building.  In time for Winter Break, you’ll get tips on creating and polishing a perfect first impression, so that you’re ready to go on February 5.

arts and culture career fair 2016 poster-page-001