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Join Us for ESC:
If you are interested in reading, writing, leadership positions, and more, join the ESC’s weekly meetings.
When: Every Tuesday 7:00-7:30 p.m CST
Zoom Meeting ID: 7763187140

Professional Development Opportunities & Scholarship Opportunities:
The University of Illinois Latina/Latino Alumni Association (IllinoisLLAA)’s Scholarship Application is now open and available at for current UIUC upperclassmen and graduate students!
The deadline to apply is Friday, May 7, 2021 at 11:59 p.m.
The recipient of this grant will receive a $2,500 scholarship award. Questions can be sent to Luis Narvaez, Scholarship Chair,
Summer and Fall Internships at the ATLAS:
The ATLAS Internship Program is now accepting applications for any College of LAS students who are interested in learning how to integrate their course of study with technology-based internships. Positions currently open include VR content creator, social media specialist, website/newsletter content, and documentation and workflow specialist. Apply here.
Internship Opportunity with Unity in Action Magazine:
The Unity in Action magazine is currently offering internship positions for all majors this summer. It is an online magazine that works to help the community work together to address social-economic issues that affect marginalized families and communities. Email here to apply. For more information, visit
Career Workshops at Career Camp:
You are invited to attend the following workshops at Career Camp the week of May 24.
Internships for Humanities Students:
See below for a list of available internships the their application deadlines:
Teaching English as a Second Language Courses Available this Summer:
This summer, the Department of Linguistics will offer a number of courses on Teaching English as a Second Language. See the flyer below for more information:

MFA Public Reading:
The third-year MFA students in Creative Writing will be giving their public reading on Zoom: Saturday May 15 at 1:00. This year, the graduating students are Emmilea O’Toole, Cole Piedimonte, Beth Pearl, Erich Slimak, and Kyle Russell. Each will give a brief reading from their Final Projects. Come out and help celebrate their graduation and Mastery of the Fine Art of Creative Writing!
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 876 6466 5571
Password: CWMFA

Intern at the WRC:
The WRC is currently accepting applications for Advocacy, Programming, and Marketing & Communications interns for Fall 2021. Links to applications are below, and they will close on May 7. Note that applications are only open to current UIUC students.
Advocacy Intern Application:
Programming and Marketing & Communications Intern Application:
Virtual 42nd Latinx Congratulatory:
The 42nd Latinx Congratulatory will be held on May 14, 2021 at 7:00 pm CST via Zoom.
Click here to RSVP for the virtual ceremony.
Nominate a graduating student:
Apply to be a speaker or MC:
Dean’s Distinguished Speaker Series:
Dr. David Stovall will give a talk titled “Addressing Systemic Racism Through Justice and Equity: The Role of Faculty at a Community-Engaged, Empowered University” on May 7, 2021 from 11:00AM — NOON CST
To register and participate via ZOOM:

Student Cultural Programming Fee (SCPF) Student Advisory Board Applications:
The Student Cultural Programming Fee (SCPF) Student Advisory Board is accepting applications for the 2021-2022 academic year.
The SCPF offers financial and educational support for culturally significant programming and initiatives coordinated by students, faculty, and staff on campus. The purpose of SCPF is to advance cultural awareness and social justice education, and promote diversity, equity, and inclusion throughout campus. This fee specifically serves to support sociohistorical phenomena experienced and expressed by minoritized and traditionally underserved communities, which encompass social identities at the intersect, including diverse abilities, documentation status, ethnicity, gender, Indigeneity, nationality/global, race, religious, and secular identity, and tribal citizenship and affiliation.
Serving on the SCPF Student Advisory Board is a great way to make a meaningful impact on campus, while also strengthening your resume.
Learn more about the SCPF Student Advisory Board, specifically the duties and responsibilities, here.
Apply for the SCPF Student Advisory Board here.
Academic Tips of the Week:
Pay attention to these and other important dates and contact a departmental or college advisor if you have questions. Saturday, May 22: Spring 21 grades will be accessible in Self-Service, and May 22-27: you can declare the PZ/NZ option for Spring 21 courses. Good luck on finals!
Career Readiness Tip of the Wek:
Spend some time this summer thinking about what kind of life and career you want. Try the Flower Exercise from the best selling job search book titled “What Color is Your Parachute?”.
Technology Tip of the Week:
Technology skills are one of the seven competencies identified as indicators for career readiness. Consider taking the free ATLAS Skills Track Courses to help boost your technology skills this summer. No prior experience is needed.
LAS Scholarship Application:
Using this one application, you will be considered for more than 25 different scholarships that will be awarded for the 2021-2022 school year. The application asks you to answer a few questions, upload a resume, and submit a couple short essays. The application deadline is Friday, May 16. Last year, students received more than $125,000. For more information click here.
Study Spaces Available During Finals Week:
Classrooms are available for use by students who need a location to participate in an online class or to study. In keeping with campus COVID-19 Guidelines, social distancing and face covering requirements apply. Rooms are not intended for private use; adhere to posted room capacity. For more information, visit
Student Sustainability Committee Member Application:
The Student Sustainability Committee is seeking undergraduate and graduate students interested in applying for a voting member position for the 2021-2022 academic year. The application deadline is Friday, May 14. For more information, visit
Need to Meet with an Advisor?
To contact a college-level advisor, use the online chat, online advising appointment calendar and queue, and online forms for program change requests. Find a list of unit and college advisors along with hours and contact information on the college website.