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Important Dates and Deadlines
February 29: Deadline for Spring Writing Contest submissions
March 1: English Department Scholarship Applications are due
March 4: Registration opens for English & Creative Writing Convocation
March 8: Deadline to drop a full-semester course without a W
As always, if you would like to schedule an advising appointment with Anna or Keshia, please CALL the office at 217-333-4346. We are happy to answers questions via email (englishadvising@illinois.edu) but complex matters require an appointment (in person or virtual).
Spring Creative Writing Contests
Deadline: Noon, Thursday, February 29, 2024
The English Department is pleased to announce its annual undergraduate literary competitions in Short Fiction and Poetry. Prizes range from $100 to $1500 with multiple awards in each category.
Contest rules are as follows:
Short Fiction: Submit no more than one unpublished story (7500 words, maximum length)
Poetry: Submit up to 5 unpublished poems in a single document.
To be considered for a prize, submissions must adhere to the following rules:
- All submissions must be sent via email as an attachment to: jdudek4@illinois.edu.
- The subject line of your email message must read as follows: “UNDERGRAD POETRY: Last name” or “UNDERGRAD FICTION: Last name”
- If you enter in both categories (poetry and fiction), you will need to send separate emails.
- In the body of your email, please include your:
- name
- address
- phone number
- e-mail address
- status (grad or undergrad)
This year, we are also able to offer new scholarships worth $1000 in both Fiction and Poetry. These scholarships will be distributed to students based on merit, with preference given to students displaying financial need and who graduated from an Illinois high school.
If you would like to be considered for one of these scholarships, please include the following along with the information above:
- a brief note on your financial need
- the name of the Illinois high school from which you graduated
Your entry itself is to be contained in one attached .docx file. The name of this file must be the contest category followed by your last name, such as “FICTION JONES.docx” or “POETRY JONES.docx” Your name should not appear within the document itself.
Winners will be announced April 1. Please direct any questions to John Dudek, Associate Director of Creative Writing at jdudek4@illinois.edu.
ESA Upcoming Event

Spring 2024 WRC Book Clubs
Register for February sessions using the links provided:
House of Flame and Shadow (Crescent City, 3) by Sarah J. Maas
Discussion will take place on Friday, February 23 at 3 pm at the WRC. | Books will not be provided for this book club. However, participants will receive book-related merch.

Research Park Career Fair
Monday, February 26, 2024
3-7 PM at Illinois Conference Center
1900 South First Street, Champaign
Career Fair Employer Registration
Handshake Student Registration
The Research Park Career Fair is an opportunity for students at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign to connect with Research Park employers. This fair is an exclusive benefit for companies operating at the Research Park. In 2023, a record 800 students attended the Career Fair, connecting with employers on summer internships and year-round positions.
Get Help with Big Writing Projects

UI-CON is happening in March!
Don’t forget, UI-CON is being held at the Illini Union on March 2nd & 3rd, 2024!
This is Chambana’s first-ever Comic and Anime Convention, and you can register for FREE!
UI-CON aims to provide a free convention for Central Illinois residents through the efforts of various UIUC RSOs. This includes JAC (Japanese Anime Club), CDL (Cosplay Design League), Character Creation Hub (CCH), and many more. Our convention focuses on anime, comics, and WEBTOON. We aim to provide opportunities to students and local artists to sell their art and products, make new connections, and support fan culture in Central Illinois, especially for students at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
With the help of the UIUC English Department, this free convention is hosting a wide variety of events, such as performances, a cosplay contest, and a huge hall for artists and vendors. We are also collaborating with multiple high-scale entities such as video game developers, voice actors, and WEBTOON.
Check out all our special events and our latest news announcements here!
I-Connect Experience

Invitation! ISSS Intercultural Spotlight Series

2nd 8-Week Courses (3 NRES Courses and 1 KIN course)
For students looking for second eight-week courses:
All classes are:
Taught by NRES faculty
Online, asynchronous, 3 credit hours
Approved to fulfill one or two General Education categories
Part of one or more NRES Minors or Certificates
NRES 100 – Fundamentals of Environmental Science
Format: online, asynchronous
General Education: Nat Sci & Tech – Phys Sciences
Description: Introduction to environmental sciences and current environment issues. Topics include population growth, world food supplies, agriculture and the environment, biodiversity, fossil fuels and “green” energy issues, endangered and threatened species, water use, conservation and pollution, global warming, acid rain, ozone depletion, waste management and reduction, recycling, toxins and health, mineral resources, and environmental policies and regulations. Course addresses the complex relationships between the human race and the natural systems that contain our air, water, energy, and biotic and food resources.
NOTE: For students who may be interested in changing majors to NRES, this course will fulfill the NRES 102 major core requirement.
Minor: Natural Resource Conservation
Certificate: Natural Resource Conservation
NRES 101 – Wildlife Conservation 21st Century
Format: online, asynchronous
General Education: Nat Sci & Tech – Life Sciences
Description: This course is an introduction to the conservation, diversity, and ecology of animals. The diversity of fish, reptiles, amphibians, mammals, and birds both around the world and in Illinois will be explored. The course will have a strong conservation component where students are introduced to a variety of threats facing animals. The students will be introduced to how to manage sustainable wildlife populations. The students will be exposed to current issues in Illinois to illustrate how people and animals can co-occur and a broad overview of the management, restoration, and conservation techniques.
NRES 105 – Climate Change Impacts on Ecological Systems
Format: online, asynchronous
General Education: Nat Sci & Tech – Life Sciences and Quantitative Reasoning II
Description: Examines the response of ecological systems to climate change by drawing on multiple lines of evidence from the past and present. Topics include species range shifts, timing of biological events, ecosystem function, and feedbacks. The implications for conservation, as well as approaches to mitigating and adapting to climate change, are also explored. Computer-based exercises are used to enhance quantitative reasoning skills and build climate and ecological literacy.

Careers in Human Resources

Need Academic Support?

Support for Undergraduate Research

Summer Course Sneak Peek

Humanities in Action (HIA)
Get $1000 to learn, grow, and serve the community
Interested in applying your humanities training to address a vital area of need in the Champaign-Urbana community? Apply to be a Fall 2024 Humanities in Action scholar. HIA Scholars receive $1000, training, and support for their participation in this semester-long service program. Complete applications are due March 8. View application details.
Beinecke Scholarship
Looking to gain a graduate degree (PhD or MFA) in the arts, humanities, or social sciences? If so, the Beinecke Scholarship is a merit- and need-based scholarship that can fund you!
Juniors who are U.S. citizens, who have received need-based financial aid at UIUC, and who are pursuing a terminal degree in the arts, humanities, and social sciences are eligible to apply.
The Beinecke Scholarship provides $5,000 to recipients immediately prior to entering graduate school and an additional $30,000 while attending graduate school.
The Beinecke seeks students with demonstrated superior standards of intellectual ability, scholastic achievement, and personal promise. Students who have taken a breadth of coursework (not just artistic performance classes) and who seek a terminal degree (PhD or MFA) in the arts, humanities, and social sciences are prioritized. While eligible, applications for professional degrees such as law or business are generally not competitive. Applicants should have received need-based financial aid at Illinois and be dependent on financial assistance to attend graduate school.
Get tips about applying from recent Illinois Beinecke Scholars.
The required campus deadline is March 4, 2024, at 12:00pm (noon).
For more information, contact the scholarships office at topscholars@illinois.edu or visit our website at www.topscholars.illinois.edu
Illinois Student Undergraduate Research Journal (ILSURJ)
Illinois Student Undergraduate Research Journal (ILSURJ) are looking for Copy Editors, Content Editors, Layout Specialists/Graphic Designers, and Public Relations Staff.
ILSURJ has been established for the purpose of advancing undergraduate research in all disciplines at the University of Illinois. Through the biannual publication of student research in both print and electronic format, ILSURJ showcases the dynamic nature of undergraduate inquiry on campus. Our goal is to build bridges between undergraduate and graduate students, faculty among varying disciplines, and the public.
Through our peer-edited, faculty-reviewed electronic and print publications, we strive to develop and display the work produced by our high-achieving undergraduate researchers in all academic disciplines in the spirit of development towards professional research. We aim to inspire interest in research and individual curiosity throughout the student body, faculty, and surrounding community. To review the roles available check out the application below!
Online Middle Grades Graduate Certificate
The Middle Grades Graduate Certificate program at the College of Education provides a pathway for non-teachers to earn their teaching license in the state of Illinois. This Graduate Certificate (CERT) program is offered with endorsement options in two areas (Literacy and Science) and culminates with licensure to teach learners in grades 5-8. Candidates who have completed a bachelor’s degree in a relevant content area are eligible for this program (NOTE: This program is most suitable for students with undergraduate degrees in English or science). Graduates of the Middle Grades Certificate program may also apply their coursework toward a master’s degree in the College of Education. The deadline to apply for the Summer 2024 cohort is March 15th.

Check Out Tuesday @ 7 Workshops
Each week, undergraduate Counseling Center paraprofessionals offer interactive workshops on topics relevant to other students. Please visit our website for login information and upcoming topics.
Here are our workshops for the month of February:
February 27 | Your Lucky Charm to Reduce Harm: Safe Substance Use During Unofficial | La Casa 104
All workshops denoted with a (*) are held over Zoom. Click here to join the Zoom meeting or check out the meeting information below.
Meeting ID: 863 0232 2916
Password: T@7
New Student & Family Experiences is hiring Orientation Leaders
New Student and Family Experiences is looking for undergraduate students to serve as Orientation Leaders to help us welcome our Fall 2024 new students! The position description and link to apply are below.
The OL position is designed to offer students the opportunity to implement orientation programming for new first year students and family members. OLs should be knowledgeable about the University of Illinois and have a desire to help new students have a successful transition. OLs attend a paid spring training session to help prepare them to be student leaders for New Student & Family Experience events. All OLs will assist at various events such as International Student Orientation, Fall Orientation/Welcome Days and various other orientation programs. Opportunities for continued fall/spring OL work will also be available. More information will be provided at training. The hourly rate for the OL position is $15.
APPLY NOW: https://forms.illinois.edu/sec/438108272
Don’t forget these!
Voyager Scholarship
Have you demonstrated a commitment to public service? Do you plan to purse a career in public service upon graduation? If so, the Voyager Scholarship is for you!
U.S. citizens, permanent residents, or DACA recipients who are entering their junior year (will be a junior in the Fall 2024), with a 3.0+ GPA and demonstrated financial need are eligible to apply.
The Voyager Scholarship (Obama-Chesky Scholarship for Public Service) is awarded to students focused on public service careers. A career in public service includes a range of occupations in government, non-profits or the private sector, from community organizing to social work and from entrepreneurship to the arts—all committed to solving our biggest challenges together. It provides up to $80,000 toward your education ($25,000/yr of financial aid for junior and senior year, $10,000 for a summer experience, and $2,000 annually for 10 years for travel).
Learn about recent Illinois Voyager Scholars.
The final submittal deadline is in March 2024, the date is TBA.
For more information, contact the scholarships office at topscholars@illinois.edu or visit our website at www.topscholars.illinois.edu
Gilman Scholarships
Are you a Pell grant recipient who wants to study abroad or do an international internship? If so, the Gilman Scholarship is for you!
Freshmen through Seniors who are U.S. citizens or nationals, Pell grant recipients, in good academic standing, and will be participating in a credit-bearing study abroad program or international internship are eligible to apply.
The U.S. Department of State’s Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship provides enrolled students, who are Pell grant recipients, up to $5,000 for either study abroad or an internship abroad. If you plan to study a language critical to U.S. national security while abroad, you can apply for an additional $3,000. If you plan to conduct STEM-related research while studying abroad, you can apply for an additional $1,000.
Get tips about applying from recent Illinois Gilman Scholars.
The national deadline is March 7, 2024.
For more information, contact the scholarships office at topscholars@illinois.edu or visit our website at www.topscholars.illinois.edu
LAS Career Services Spring Programming

Call for Submissions
You are invited to submit your work to the Madison Journal of Literary Criticism for the Spring 2024 Dream Edition! This edition will encompass what it means to “dream of more,” which includes both contemplating future aspirations and reimagining in a multitude of constructed contexts. Whether it entails the past, present, future, systems, institutions, relationships, methodologies, holidays, politics, fashion, education, emotions…we live in a world of constructs. To break away from these constructs, we dream of something new, something kinder, something better. This edition focuses on how those dreams take shape and will showcase the collective desire—and manifestation—of change that transcends the limits of our current reality. This edition we hope to publish criticism: academic, poetic, in the medium of art or prose or short stories. We hope to have a loose theme as writers and creators are more than willing to interpret, define, and redefine the term however suits them best, so the submitted work does not have to explicitly tie to abolition or social justice. We welcome nuanced perspectives and multiple interpretations, so please submit!
For samples of work previously published : View MJLC’s Past Editions
If you have any questions, please direct them to mjlc@rso.wisc.edu
Image of Research-Undergraduate Competition
Image of Research – Undergraduate Competition
Deadline to enter: Tuesday, March 19
All undergraduate students are invited to enter the 2024 Image of Research competition. Students should submit a photo related to their research, scholarship, or creative work and a short (100-200 word) narrative to communicate the connection between the image and their research. Awards include 1st ($300), 2nd ($200), and People’s Choice ($100). All submissions will be celebrated at the Undergraduate Research Symposium.