Follow the department on social media!
Important Dates and Deadlines
May 1: Last Day of Instruction
May 2: Reading Day (no classes)
May 3-10: Finals
May 11: English Department Convocation
May 18: Final Grades Visible in Self-Service
If you have yet to register for fall and need help, please let us know. You can call the office at 217-333-4346 to schedule an appointment. Make sure you’re using the Course Planning Page (for resources to help you navigate major requirements, including the FA24 Cheat Sheet.)
Great Courses, New Topics
We want to draw your attention to some other fall courses you may not have noticed (some have generic titles along the lines of “Topics in X” and you have to click through to learn more about the specific topics) or that have been updated in Course Explorer since priority registration started.
CW 208: Creative Nonfiction Workshop
ENGL 122: The Middle Ages in Pop Culture
ENGL 253: Topics in Lit & New Media—New Media Franchises
ENGL 270: American Film Genres—The Western
ENGL 280: Women Writers—Scary Women: Women Writers and Horror
ENGL 373: Special Topics in Film Studies—Cinema of the Coen Brothers
ENGL 455: Majors Authors—F. Scott Fitzgerald and Richard Wright
2024 Undergraduate Research Symposium
Amazing job to all the student participants from our department this year! It was an amazing experience to hear from all of you this year! We hope more students participate next year!
To learn more about the Undergraduate Research Symposium check out the website here: URS!
Corey Van Landingham Book Release is Today!

Check out details here!
4/25: Corey Van Landingham book release w/ John Dudek | 5:30 | Analog Wine bar
5/4: (Saturday) MFA Final Public Reading | 1:00 | Illini Union 210

UIUC Student Film Festival is TONIGHT!

Social Justice Scholarship Deadline is Today!
The Campus Faculty Association is pleased to announce the 2023-2024 Kathryn Oberdeck Memorial Social Justice Scholarship. They will award up to five $1000 scholarships for undergraduate students who have demonstrated outstanding commitment to social justice in the community. You can find information about the 2022-2023 scholarship winners here.
These scholarships will be awarded in memorial of longtime CFA member and fighter for social justice Kathryn J. Oberdeck who served until her passing as a professor of History at the University of Illinois.
The deadline to apply is April 26. Award decisions will be announced in early May.
Final Spring Book Club Meeting is Today!
Join the Women’s Resources Center for the last meeting of the series! Register using the links below. The meeting will take place at the Women’s Resources Center from 3:00-4:00pm.
The book Know My Name: A Memoir by Chanel Miller is presented as part of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and the discussion will take place on Friday, April 26 at 3 pm at the WRC. | Sign up and request a copy of the book: go.illinois.edu/knowmyname
ATLAS Seeks Interns!
ATLAS is looking for more student applicants for both Summer and Fall 2024 terms, particularly students who would be interested in communications. Here are the links for students interested in applying:
Apply for ATLAS Summer Internship 2024
Apply for ATLAS Fall Internship 2024
Information about the ATLAS Internship Program
Please note that although the application asks about technical skills, no technical experience/skill is required for a successful application.
Not all ATLAS internships are paid, but unpaid ATLAS interns are eligible to apply for the LAS Get Experience Scholarship.
The deadline for summer scholarships is April 26, so students interested in summer internships would probably not be able to make that deadline (one must have the internship offer in hand in order to apply for the scholarship). However, the applications for fall scholarships open June 28 and the deadline is August 9, so successful applicants for unpaid fall opportunities have plenty of time to apply for funding.
Upcoming LAS Career Services Event
Resume Sprint, May 3, 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm, in 105 Greg Hall
Our annual quick resume review is back. Drop in anytime between 1:30 and 4:00 to get your resume ready or updated. Please bring a hard copy or your laptop so we can assist you. We will conduct 10–15-minute resume reviews (105 Greg Hall). If you need more help after this quick meeting, appointments are available during the last days of the spring semester or throughout the summer (virtual chats or in-person). ***We are not taking appointment times please know you might need to wait. We have snacks and tea or coffee for you. ****
Design Thinking Courses, Open to All!

Become a Peer Educator!

Take Care of Yourself, and Let Others Help!

For Seniors! Considering Grad School Abroad?

Don’t forget these!
IBC Positions for Resume-Building
Illinois Business Consulting (IBC) is seeking highly motivated and detail-oriented students from any college who are interested in marketing, photo and video production, alumni relations, or event planning. These are unpaid positions, but they don’t expect the work will take any more than 10 hours a week (and can be flexible depending on students’ academic schedules), and these are opportunities that will provide students with tangible experiences that they can reflect back on when building their resumes or interviewing for employment post-graduation. Additionally, participating students will be full members of IBC, an organization that provides its members with multiple opportunities for personal and professional growth!
- Alumni Operations and Engagement Coordinator: https://illinois.joinhandshake.com/edu/jobs/8823113
- Media Production Specialist: https://illinois.joinhandshake.com/edu/jobs/8823081
- Marketing Associate: https://illinois.joinhandshake.com/edu/jobs/8823025/details
Janelle Joseph Prize for Environmental Writing


Students must successfully complete this course to become a paid undergraduate consultant with the Writers Workshop.
Fulbright Scholarship Opportunities
Interested in research, teaching, or graduate study abroad? The Fulbright U.S. Student Program awards 2,000 scholarships annually for students to conduct research, teach English, or pursue graduate study in 140 countries. For over ten years, the University of Illinois has been a top producers of Fulbright U.S. student awards. Apply to be a 2025 awardee!
Current juniors, seniors, and recent alumni in all academic disciplines, who are U.S. citizens, are eligible to apply.
The Fulbright Scholarship funds 1 year of research, teaching, or graduate study. The selection committee rates candidates based on their academic or professional qualifications, language skills, evidence of maturity, motivation, adaptability to a different cultural environment, knowledge of the host country, and the impression a candidate will make abroad as a citizen representing the U.S.
The priority deadline for undergraduates and recent alumni is June 24, 2024.
The required campus deadline is August 26, 2024, at 12:00 p.m. (noon).
Fulbright Research & Graduate Study Workshops:
Online – Friday, May 3, 3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. – Register HERE
Need Academic Support?

I-Connect Experience

Summer Course Sneak Peek

Illinois Student Undergraduate Research Journal (ILSURJ)
Illinois Student Undergraduate Research Journal (ILSURJ) are looking for Copy Editors, Content Editors, Layout Specialists/Graphic Designers, and Public Relations Staff.
ILSURJ has been established for the purpose of advancing undergraduate research in all disciplines at the University of Illinois. Through the biannual publication of student research in both print and electronic format, ILSURJ showcases the dynamic nature of undergraduate inquiry on campus. Our goal is to build bridges between undergraduate and graduate students, faculty among varying disciplines, and the public.
Through our peer-edited, faculty-reviewed electronic and print publications, we strive to develop and display the work produced by our high-achieving undergraduate researchers in all academic disciplines in the spirit of development towards professional research. We aim to inspire interest in research and individual curiosity throughout the student body, faculty, and surrounding community. To review the roles available check out the application below!
APPLY NOW! Spring 2024 WRC Book Clubs

LAS Career Services Spring Programming