The Final Few Steps – Week 9

This week kicked off with a presentation by Arielle Rausin, who is a professional wheelchair paralympic athlete, on 3-D Scanning which was really intriguing. She showed us how to scan various objects and then even 3-D print them. We then got a chance to scan our heads and using this new cool 3-D scanner which was really a scanner which shoots out light and gets an input signal based on the reflection from the object. In the image below you can see Vishal scanning Ariel’s head as its been recorded on the 3-D scanning software as a mesh.

Team JJJ inc’s project is slowly coming to life as we tested our first pre-prototype on the light switch to see if we had the dimensions right. Our next steps are to print the outer boxing of our smart light switch and to program our motor. One problem we had was that the motor was running to fast and so we need to wire it so that it runs according to the distance we need our light to move. Here are some pictures of our teams 3-D printed Rack and Pinion: