The third industrial revolution is upon us, and we have the ability to create functional products on our desktop by using some inexpensive and accessible tools. This course focuses on training on many of these tools and technologies and learning to make things. We will explore 3D scanning, modeling and printing to rapidly prototype products. We will experiment with open hardware /micro-controllers such as arduinos and smaller form factors for e-textiles, to explore the concept of the internet of things. We will also have guest lectures in entrepreneurship, design thinking, digital making and some stories from passionate makers from the community and beyond.This new seminar course is being offered by Dr. Vishal Sachdev. This is one of two courses at the lab, the other being Making Things. We are thankful for the support from our partners for sponsoring these courses.
Here is a promo video for the course, created by students in the first cohort.
The course embodies the philosophy of the lab, where we Learn, Make and Share. This blog reflects the learning journey by the students, and helps them connect with the larger making community, by sharing their learning.
Earlier versions of the course are available at DigitalMaking2016 and DigitalMaking2015