(with their placements and select publications)
(2010) Zhewen Fan, Ph.D. (joint with Jeff Douglas). “Statistical Issues and Developments in Time Series Analysis and Educational
Measurements.” Current job: Quantitative Analyst at PNC. -
(2013) Xianyang Zhang , Ph.D. “Statistical Inference for Dependent Data.” Current job: Associate Professor, Texas A&M University, Department of Statistics.
- Xianyang Zhang and Xiaofeng Shao (2013) Fixed-smoothing asymptotics for time series. Annals of Statistics, 41, 1329-1349 (with online supplemental material)
PDF and Supplementary material
- Xianyang Zhang and Xiaofeng Shao (2015) Two sample inference for the second-order property of temporally dependent functional data. Bernoulli, 21, 909-929. (with online supplementary material)
(2014) Yeonwoo Rho , Ph.D. “Inference of Time Series Regression Models with Weakly Dependent Errors .” Current job: Associate Professor, Michigan Technological University, Department of Mathematical Sciences.
- Yeonwoo Rho and Xiaofeng Shao (2019) Bootstrap-assisted unit root testing with piecewise locally stationary errors. Econometric Theory, 35, 142-166.
- Yeonwoo Rho and Xiaofeng Shao (2015) Inference for time series regression models with weakly dependent and heteroscedastic errors. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 33, 444-457.
(2016) Srijan Sengupta , Ph.D. (Joint with Yuguo Chen)“ Statistical Analysis of Networks With Community Structure And Bootstrap Methods For Big Data.” Current job: Assistant Professor, North Carolina State University, Department of Statistics, 2020-present
- Srijan Sengupta, Stanislav Volgushev, and Xiaofeng Shao (2016) A subsampled double bootstrap for massive data. Journal of the American
Statistical Association, 111, 1222-1232. PDF
- Srijan Sengupta, Stanislav Volgushev, and Xiaofeng Shao (2016) A subsampled double bootstrap for massive data. Journal of the American
(2017) Chung Eun Lee, Ph.D. student.”Statistical Inference of Multivariate Time Series and Functional Data Using New Nonlinear Dependence Metrics.” First job: Assistant Professor, University of Tennessee, Department of Business Analytics and Statistics (2017-2021); Current Job: Associate Professor, CUNY, Baruch College, Paul H. Chook Department of Information Systems and Statistics (2021-present).
- Chung Eun Lee and Xiaofeng Shao (2018) Martingale difference divergence matrix and its application to dimension reduction for stationary multivariate time series. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 113, 216-246.
- Chung Eun Lee and Xiaofeng Shao (2020) Volatility Martingale Difference Divergence Matrix and Its Application to Dimension Reduction for Multivariate Volatility. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 38(1), 80-92.
- Chung Eun Lee, Xianyang Zhang and Xiaofeng Shao (2020) Testing the conditional mean independence of functional data. Biometrika, 107(2), 331-346.
(2017) Shun Yao, Ph.D. student. (with Xianyang Zhang at Texas A&M) “Dependence Testing in High Dimension.” First Job: Quantitative Analyst, Goldman Sachs at New York City; Current Job: Quantitative Analyst, Point72
- Shun Yao, Xianyang Zhang and Xiaofeng Shao (2018) Testing mutual independence in high dimension via distance covariance. Journal of Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 80(3), 455-480. R codes
(2020) Runmin Wang, Ph.D. student. “Statistical Inference for High-dimensional Data via U-statistics.” First Job: Assistant Professor, Southern Methodist University, Department of Statistical Sciences (2020-2022); Current Job: Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University, Department of Statistics (2022-present)
- Runmin Wang and Xiaofeng Shao (2020) Hypothesis Testing for High-dimensional Time Series via Self-normalization. Annals of Statistics, 48(5), 2728-2758.
- Runmin Wang*, Changbo Zhu*, Stanislav Volgushev, Xiaofeng Shao (2022) Inference for Change Points in High Dimensional Data via Self-Normalization. Annals of Statistics, 50(2), 781-806. (Wang* and Zhu* are joint first authors, equal contributions)
- Runmin Wang and Xiaofeng Shao (2023) Dating the break in High Dimensional Data. Bernoulli, to appear. https://arxiv.org/abs/2002.04115
- Changbo Zhu, Xianyang Zhang, Shun Yao and Xiaofeng Shao (2020) Distance-based and RKHS-based Dependence Metrics in High Dimension.
Annals of Statistics, 48(6), 3366-3394 - Changbo Zhu and Xiaofeng Shao (2021) Interpoint Distance Based Two Sample Tests in High Dimension.
Bernoulli, 27(2), 1189-1211. - Runmin Wang*, Changbo Zhu*, Stanislav Volgushev, Xiaofeng Shao (2022) Inference for Change Points in High Dimensional Data via Self-Normalization. Annals of Statistics, 50(2), 781-806. (Wang* and Zhu* are joint first authors, equal contributions)
- Changbo Zhu, Xianyang Zhang, Shun Yao and Xiaofeng Shao (2020) Distance-based and RKHS-based Dependence Metrics in High Dimension.
(2021) Teng Wu, Ph.D. student. (with Naveen Narisetty) “Change point detection for high dimensional data and valid inference for Bayesian linear models.” Current Job: Data Scientist, Microsoft (2021-present)
- Teng Wu, Runmin Wang, Hao Yan and Xiaofeng Shao (2022) Adaptive change-point monitoring for high-dimensional data. Statistica Sinica, 32, 1-28.
(2022) Yangfan Zhang, Ph.D. student. (with Yun Yang) “ Statistical inference in high dimensional data and machine learning .” Current Job: Quantitative Researcher, Two Sigma Investments (2022-present)
- Yangfan Zhang, Runmin Wang and Xiaofeng Shao (2022) Adaptive inference for change-points in high-dimensional data. Journal of the American Statistical Association.
(2021) Feiyu Jiang, visiting Ph.D. student from Tsinghua University. (Aug 2019-Aug 2020) “Change point analysis for COVID-19 time series.” Current Job: Assistant Professor, School of Management, Fudan University, (July 2021-present)
- Feiyu Jiang, Zifeng Zhao and Xiaofeng Shao (2023) Time Series Analysis of COVID-19 infection curve: a change-point perspective. Journal of Econometrics.
- Feiyu Jiang, Zifeng Zhao and Xiaofeng Shao (2022) Modelling the COVID-19 infection trajectory: A piecewise linear quantile trend model. Journal of Royal Statistical Society, Series B, with discussion.