- Li, L., Shao, X. and Yu, Z. (2024) A Slicing-Free Perspective to Sufficient Dimension Reduction: Selective Review and Recent Developments. International Statistical Review, to appear.
- Xu, T., Zhu, R. and Shao, X. (2024) On Variance Estimation of Random Forests with Infinite-Order U-statistics. Electronic Journal of Statistics, to appear.
- Jiang, F., Zhu, C. and Shao, X. (2024) Two-sample and change-point inference for non-Euclidean valued time series. Electronic Journal of Statistics, to appear.
- Wu, T., Volgushev, S. and Shao, X. (2023+) Change-point Inference for high-dimensional heteroscedastic data. Electronic Journal of Statistics, to appear.
- Feiyu Jiang, Hanjia Gao and Xiaofeng Shao (2023+) Testing Serial Independence of Object-Valued Time Series. Biometrika, to appear. arxiv.org/pdf/2302.12322.pdf
- Yi Zhang and Xiaofeng Shao (2023+) Another look at bandwidth-free inference: a sample splitting approach. Journal of Royal Statistical Society, Series B, to appear.
- Hanjia Gao and Xiaofeng Shao (2023+) Two sample testing in high dimension via Maximum Mean Discrepancy. Journal of Machine Learning Research, to appear. 2109.14913.pdf (arxiv.org)
- Daisuke Kurisu, Kengo Kato and Xiaofeng Shao (2023+) Gaussian approximation and spatially dependent wild bootstrap for high-dimensional spatial data. Journal of the American Statistical Association, to appear. [2103.10720]
- Qing Mai, Xiaofeng Shao, Runmin Wang and Xin Zhang (2023+) Slicing-free Inverse Regression in high dimensional sufficient dimension reduction. Statistica Sinica, to appear. 2304.06201
- Runmin Wang and Xiaofeng Shao (2023) Dating the break in High Dimensional Data. Bernoulli, to appear. https://arxiv.org/abs/2002.04115.
- Feiyu Jiang, Runmin Wang and Xiaofeng Shao (2023) Robust inference for change points in high dimension. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 193, 105114.
- Xuming He and Xiaofeng Shao (2022) A Conversation with Stephen Portnoy. Statistical Science, 37(3), 443-454.
- Jinyuan Chang, Qing Jiang and Xiaofeng Shao (2022) Testing the martingale difference hypothesis in high dimension. Journal of Econometrics, to appear. https://arxiv.org/abs/2209.04770?gathStatIcon=true
- Zifeng Zhao, Feiyu Jiang and Xiaofeng Shao (2022) Segmenting time series via self-normalization. Journal of Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 84(5), 1699-1725. https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.05331v1
- Runmin Wang*, Changbo Zhu*, Stanislav Volgushev, Xiaofeng Shao (2022) Inference for Change Points in High Dimensional Data via Self-Normalization. Annals of Statistics, 50(2), 781-806. (Wang* and Zhu* are joint first authors, equal contributions) https://arxiv.org/abs/1905.08446
- Feiyu Jiang, Zifeng Zhao and Xiaofeng Shao (2022) Modelling the COVID-19 infection trajectory: A piecewise linear quantile trend model. Journal of Royal Statistical Society, Series B, with discussion, 84(5), 1589-1607. (the discussion and rejoinder are published at JRSSA).
- Guochang Wang, Ke Zhu and Xiaofeng Shao (2022) Testing for the martingale difference hypothesis in multivariate time series models. Journal of the Business and Economic Statistics, 40(3), 980-994.
- Yangfan Zhang, Runmin Wang and Xiaofeng Shao (2022) Adaptive inference for change-points in high-dimensional data. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 117, 1751-1762.
- Teng Wu, Runmin Wang, Hao Yan and Xiaofeng Shao (2022) Adaptive change-point monitoring for high-dimensional data. Statistica Sinica, 32, 1583-1610.
- Changbo Zhu and Xiaofeng Shao (2021) Interpoint Distance Based Two Sample Tests in High Dimension. Bernoulli, 27(2), 1189-1211.
- Feiyu Jiang, Zifeng Zhao and Xiaofeng Shao (2023) Time Series Analysis of COVID-19 infection curve: a change-point perspective. Journal of Econometrics, 232, 1-17.
- Xin Zhang, Chung Eun Lee and Xiaofeng Shao (2020) Envelopes in Multivariate Regression Models with Nonlinearity and Heteroscedasticity. Biometrika, 107(4), 965-981.
- Changbo Zhu, Xianyang Zhang, Shun Yao and Xiaofeng Shao (2020) Distance-based and RKHS-based Dependence Metrics in High Dimension.
Annals of Statistics, 48(6), 3366-3394.
PDF - Runmin Wang and Xiaofeng Shao (2020) Hypothesis Testing for High-dimensional Time Series via Self-normalization. Annals of Statistics, 48(5), 2728-2758.
- Chung Eun Lee, Xianyang Zhang and Xiaofeng Shao (2020) Testing the conditional mean independence of functional data. Biometrika, 107(2), 331-346.
- Chung Eun Lee and Xiaofeng Shao (2020) Volatility Martingale Difference Divergence Matrix and Its Application to Dimension Reduction for Multivariate Volatility.
Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 38, 80-92.
- Yeonwoo Rho and Xiaofeng Shao (2019) Bootstrap-assisted unit root testing with piecewise locally stationary errors. Econometric Theory, 35, 142-166.
- Shun Yao, Xianyang Zhang and Xiaofeng Shao (2018) Testing mutual independence in high dimension via distance covariance. Journal of Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 80(3), 455-480. R codes
- Xianyang Zhang, Shun Yao and Xiaofeng Shao (2018) Conditional mean and quantile dependence testing in high dimension. Annals of Statistics, 46(1), 219-246.
- Chung Eun Lee and Xiaofeng Shao (2018) Martingale difference divergence matrix and its application to dimension reduction for stationary multivariate time series. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 113, 216-229.
- Srijan Sengupta, Stanislav Volgushev, and Xiaofeng Shao (2016) A subsampled double bootstrap for massive data. Journal of the American
Statistical Association, 111, 1222-1232. PDF
- Xianyang Zhang and Xiaofeng Shao (2016) On the coverage bound problem of empirical likelihood methods for time series. Journal of Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 78, 395-421. PDF
- Yinxiao Huang and Xiaofeng Shao (2016) Coverage bound for fixed-b subsampling and generalized subsampling for time series. Statistica Sinica, 26, 1499-1524. PDF
- Xiaofeng Shao (2015) Self-normalization for time series: a review of recent developments. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 110, 1797-1817.PDF
- Trevor Park, Xiaofeng Shao and Shun Yao (2015) Partial martingale difference correlation. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 9, 1492-1517. PDF
- Srijan Sengupta, Xiaofeng Shao and Yingchuan Wang (2015) The dependent random weighting. Journal of Time Series Analysis, 36, 315-326.
- Seonjin Kim, Zhibiao Zhao and Xiaofeng Shao (2015) Nonparametric functional central limit theorem for time series with application to self-normalized confidence interval. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 36, 277-290.
- Yinxiao Huang, Stanislav Volgushev and Xiaofeng Shao (2015) On self-normalization for censored dependent data. Journal of Time Series Analysis, 36, 109-124.
- Xianyang Zhang and Xiaofeng Shao (2015) Two sample inference for the second-order property of temporally dependent functional data. Bernoulli, 21, 909-929.
- Yeonwoo Rho and Xiaofeng Shao (2015) Inference for time series regression models with weakly dependent and heteroscedastic errors. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 33, 444-457.
- Stanislav Volgushev and Xiaofeng Shao (2014) A general approach to the joint asymptotic analysis of statistics from sub-samples. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 8, 390-431.
- Xiaofeng Shao and Jingsi Zhang (2014) Martingale difference correlation and its use in high dimensional variable screening. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 109, 1302-1318.
- Xianyang Zhang, Bo Li and Xiaofeng Shao (2014) Self-normalization for spatial data. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 41, 311-324.
- Xianyang Zhang and Xiaofeng Shao (2014) Fixed-b asymptotics for blockwise empirical likelihood. Statistica Sinica, 24, 1179-1194.
- Yeonwoo Rho and Xiaofeng Shao (2013) Improving the bandwidth-free
Inference methods by pre-whitening. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 143, 1912-1922. - Xianyang Zhang and Xiaofeng Shao (2013) Fixed-smoothing asymptotics for time series. Annals of Statistics, 41, 1329-1349.
- Xianyang Zhang and Xiaofeng Shao (2013) On a general class of long run variance estimators. Economics Letters, 120, 437-441.
- Jingsi Zhang, Wenxin Jiang and Xiaofeng Shao (2013) Bayesian model selection based on parameter estimates from subsamples. Statistics and Probability Letters, 83(4), 979-986.
- Zhou Zhou and Xiaofeng Shao (2013) Inference for linear models with dependent errors. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series, B., 75, 323-343. PDF
- Xiaofeng Shao and Dimitris N. Politis (2013) Fixed-b subsampling and block bootstrap: improved confidence sets based on p-value calibration. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series, B., 75, 161-184(Published version and Full Version) PDF and PDF
- Xiaofeng Shao (2012) Parametric inference for stationary time series models with dependent errors. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 39, 772-783. (Published version and Full Version) PDF and PDF
- Xianyang Zhang, Xiaofeng Shao, Katharine Hayhoe and Donald Wuebbles (2011) Testing the structural stability of temporally dependent functional observations and application to climate projections. Electronic Journal of Statistics. 5, 1765-1796.. PDF
- Xiaofeng Shao (2011) A bootstrap-assisted spectral test of white noise under unknown dependence. Journal of Econometrics. 162, 213-224. PDF
- Xiaofeng Shao (2011) A simple test of changes in mean in the presence of long-range dependence. Journal of Time Series Analysis. 32, 598-606. PDF Some R codes
- Xiaofeng Shao (2011) Testing for white noise under unknown dependence and its applications to goodness-of-fit for time series models. Econometric Theory. 27, 312-343. PDF
- Xiaofeng Shao and Xianyang Zhang (2010) Testing for change points in time series. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 105, 1228-1240. PDF
- Xiaofeng Shao (2010) Nonstationarity-extended Whittle Estimation. Econometric Theory. 26, 1060-1087. PDF
- Xiaofeng Shao (2010) A self-normalized approach to confidence interval construction in time series. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series, B. 72(3), 343-366. Corrigendum: 2010, 72(5), 695-696. arXiv version (with correction): PDF
- Xiaofeng Shao (2010) The dependent wild bootstrap. Journal of the American Statistical Association. 105, 218-235. PDF and Supplementary material
- Xiaofeng Shao (2010) Extended tapered block bootstrap. Statistica Sinica. 20, 807-821. PDF
- Xiaofeng Shao and Bo Li (2009) A tuning parameter free test for properties of space-time covariance functions. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 139, 4031-4038. PDF
- Xiaofeng Shao (2009) Confidence intervals for spectral mean and ratio statistics. Biometrika. 96, 107-117. PDF
- Xiaofeng Shao (2009) A generalized portmanteau test for independence between two stationary time series. Econometric Theory. 23(1), 195-210. (Published version and Full Version) PDF and PDF
- Hernando Ombao, Xiaofeng Shao, Elena Rykhlevskaia, Monica Fabiani and Gabriele Gratton (2008) Spatio-spectral analysis of brain signals. Statistica Sinica. 18(4), 1465-1482. PDF
- Xiaofeng Shao and Wei Biao Wu (2007) Asymptotic spectral theory for nonlinear time series. Annals of Statistics. 35(4), 1773-1801. PDF
- Xiaofeng Shao and Wei Biao Wu (2007) Local Whittle estimation of fractional integration for nonlinear processes. Econometric Theory. 23, 899-929. PDF
- Wei Biao Wu and Xiaofeng Shao (2007) A limit theorem for quadratic forms and its applications. Econometric Theory. 23, 930-951. PDF
Tjalling C. Koopmans Econometric Theory Prize for 2006-2008 PDF - Xiaofeng Shao, Michael Stein and Jason Ching (2007) Statistical comparisons of methods for interpolating the output of a numerical air quality model. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 137, 2277-2293. PDF
- Xiaofeng Shao and Wei Biao Wu (2007) Local asymptotic powers of nonparametric and semiparametric tests for fractional integration. Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 117, 251-261. PDF
- Wei Biao Wu and Xiaofeng Shao (2006) Invariance principles for fractionally integrated nonlinear processes. IMS Lecture notes-Monographs series, Festschrift for Michael Woodroofe, 50, 20-30. PDF
- Xiaofeng Shao and Michael Stein (2006) Statistical conditional simulation of a multiresolution numerical air quality model. Journal of Geophysical Research, Atmospheres,Vol.111, D15211, doi:10.1029/2005JD007037. PDF
- Wei Biao Wu and Xiaofeng Shao (2004) Limit theorems for iterated random functions. Journal of Applied Probability, 41, 425-436. PDF