ORCID Names Hinchliffe Chair of the Board

Lisa Hinchliffe, University Library Professor and Coordinator for Research and Teaching Professional Development, has been appointed Chair of the Open Research and Contributor ID (ORCID) Board. ORCID is an international not-for-profit organization that facilitates transparent and reliable connections between researchers, their work, and their affiliations within digital frameworks. 

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Peg Burnette to Serve as Project Coordinator for CARLI Illinois SCOER Grant Award

Peg Burnette, Associate Professor and Biomedicine Librarian, will serve as Project Manager for a grant awarded by CARLI Illinois Support for Creation of Open Education Resources (SCOER) initiative to a group of educators from the University Library, Carle Illinois College of Medicine, and Knox College in Galesburg. This team of educators will create an open education resource (OER) with a primary focus on women’s reproductive health.

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JJ Pionke Named President-Elect of Midwest Medical Library Association

Image of JJ Pionke

JJ Pionke, Applied Health Sciences Librarian for the Social Sciences, Health, and Education Library (SSHEL) and Assistant Professor, has been named President-Elect of the Midwest Chapter of the Medical Library Association. Pionke was elected by members of the association and will take his position at the end of the October 2022 Annual Business Meeting. 

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