Core Philosophy

My core research investigates writing technologies with a focus on audience interactions.  My aim is to develop better writing habits, workflows, and routines. If writers consider theirs audience, how can we better “consider” audiences?

My research has five themes: (1) writing as a participatory activity, such as in social media, (2) writing interfaces and templates, (3) machine learning and “AI” communication, (4) the effects of automation on writing, and (5) STEM writing.

Credit: T-Stagg Photography

Research Interests

  • User experience and information design 
  • Social media interactions, chiefly how writers respond to their audiences, including algorithms.
  • Computational methods, including web-scraping, web development, data structuring, bibliometrics & scientometrics.
  • Machine learning, specifically using techniques to study audience interactions. More recently, I have been studying the types of writing machine learning scientists engage and the genres they employ
  • Science Communication, including engineering writing and the communication processes of research labs. Specifically, I am interested in how scientists disseminate their research online.

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign