Lab Personnel – E. London

About Evan London


Title: Ph.D. Student and Lab Manager

Office address: Illinois Natural History Survey

Personal Information:

2018   B.S., Molecular & Cell Biology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

MS – 2021 – Bioinformatics/Animal Sciences – University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign


Evan completed his Bachelors of Science in Molecular and Cell Biology at the University of Illinois in May of 2018. He has worked with the Illinois Natural Survey since November 2017 and has dual appointments in the Miller Mycology Lab as well as the Novakofski & Mateus Chronic Wasting Disease Lab. His work includes PCR DNA amplification of isolated DNA of Great Lakes Fungi and identifying the species that exist in lake sediments using NCBI BLAST. In the CWD lab he performs tissue sampling as well as managing sample collections and guiding undergraduate students. He plans to pursue a Masters in Biology.