Mori, J., Brown, W., Skinner, D., Schlichting, P., Novakofski, J. and Mateus‐Pinilla, N., 2024. An Updated Framework for Modeling White‐Tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) Habitat Quality in Illinois, USA. Ecology and Evolution, 14(11), p.e70487. [PDF]
Mori, J., Rivera, N., Novakofski, J., and Mateus-Pinilla, N., 2024. A Review of Chronic Wasting disease (CWD) spread, surveillance, and Control in the United States Captive Cervid Industry. Prion, Volume 18, 2024 – Issue 1. [PDF]
Kopsco, H.L., Gronemeyer, P., Mateus-Pinilla, N. and Smith, R.L., 2023. Current and Future Habitat Suitability Models for Four Ticks of Medical Concern in Illinois, USA. Insects, 14(3), p.213. [PDF]
Chakraborty, S., Steckler, T.L., Gronemeyer, P., Mateus-Pinilla, N. and Smith, R.L., 2023. Farmers’ Knowledge and Practices About Ticks and Tickborne Diseases in Illinois. Journal of Agromedicine, pp.1-13. [PDF]
Wessels, J.E., Ishida, Y., Rivera, N.A., Stirewalt, S.L., Brown, W.M., Novakofski, J.E., Roca, A.L. and Mateus-Pinilla, N.E., 2023. The Impact of Variation in the Toll-like Receptor 3 Gene on Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease in Illinois Wild White-Tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus). Genes, 14(2), p.426. [PDF]
Raudabaugh, D.B., Ishida, Y., Haley, N.J., Brown, W.M., Novakofski, J., Roca, A.L. and Mateus-Pinilla, N.E., 2022. County-wide assessments of Illinois white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) prion protein gene variation using improved primers and potential implications for management. Plos one, 17(11), p.e0274640. [PDF]
Mori, J., Novakofski, J., Schlichting, P.E., Skinner, D.J. and Mateus-Pinilla, N., 2022. The impact of maternal infection with chronic wasting disease on fetal characteristics in wild white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in Illinois, USA. Theriogenology Wild, p.100010. [PDF]
Tian, T., Halsey, S.J., Rivera, N.A., Brown, W.M., Novakofski, J.E. and Mateus-Pinilla, N.E., 2022. Impact of landcover composition and density of localized deer culling sites on chronic wasting disease prevalence. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, p.105774.
London, E.W., Roca, A.L., Novakofski, J.E. and Mateus-Pinilla, N.E., 2022. A De Novo Chromosome-level Genome Assembly of the White-tailed Deer, Odocoileus virginianus. Journal of Heredity, Volume 113, Issue 4, pp. 479–489. [PDF]
Dorak, S.J., Varga, C., Ruder, M.G., Gronemeyer, P., Rivera, N.A., Dufford, D.R., Skinner, D.J., Roca, A.L., Novakofski, J. and Mateus-Pinilla, N.E., 2022. Spatial epidemiology of hemorrhagic disease in Illinois wild white-tailed deer. Scientific Reports, 12(1), pp.1-12. [PDF]
Lyons, L.A., Mateus-Pinilla, N. and Smith, R.L., 2022. Effects of tick surveillance education on knowledge, attitudes, and practices of local health department employees. BMC Public Health, 22(1), pp.1-15. [PDF]
Carson, D.A., Kopsco, H., Gronemeyer, P., Mateus-Pinilla, N., Smith, G.S., Sandstrom, E.N. and Smith, R.L., 2022. Knowledge, attitudes, and practices of Illinois medical professionals related to ticks and tick-borne disease. One Health, p.100424. [PDF]
Crist, S.D., Kopsco, H., Miller, A., Gronemeyer, P., Mateus-Pinilla, N. and Smith, R.L., 2022. Knowledge, attitudes, and practices of veterinary professionals towards ticks and tick-borne diseases in Illinois. One Health, 14, p.100391. [PDF]
Bacon, E.A., Kopsco, H., Gronemeyer, P., Mateus-Pinilla, N. and Smith, R.L., 2022. Effects of Climate on the Variation in Abundance of Three Tick Species in Illinois. Journal of medical entomology , 59(2), pp.700-9 [PDF]
Perrin-Stowe, T.I., Ishida, Y., Terrill, E.E., Beetem, D., Ryder, O.A., Novakofski, J.E., Mateus-Pinilla, N.E. and Roca, A.L., 2022. Variation in the PRNP gene of Pere David’s deer (Elaphurus davidianus) may impact genetic vulnerability to chronic wasting disease. Conservation Genetics, 23(2), pp.313-23. [PDF]
Varga, C., McDonald, P., Brown, W.M., Shelton, P., Roca, A.L., Novakofski, J.E. and Mateus‐Pinilla, N.E., 2021. Evaluating the ability of a locally focused culling program in removing chronic wasting disease infected free‐ranging white‐tailed deer in Illinois, USA, 2003–2020. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases. [PDF]
Rivera, N.A., Varga, C., Ruder, M.G., Dorak, S.J., Roca, A.L., Novakofski, J.E. and Mateus-Pinilla, N.E., 2021. Bluetongue and Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease in the United States of America at the Wildlife–Livestock Interface. Pathogens; 10(8):915 [PDF]
Raudabaugh, D.B., Rivera, N.A., Anchor, G.C., Bach, E., Miller, A.N. and Mateus-Pinilla, N.E., 2021. Preliminary study of cave sample storage conditions on fungal community diversity, Diversity 13(5), pp.188. [PDF]
Lyons, L.A., Brand, M.E., Gronemeyer, P., Mateus-Pinilla, N., Ruiz, M.OH., Stone, C.M., Tuten, H.C. and Smith, R.L., 2021. Comparing Contributions of Passive and Active Tick Collection Methods to Determine Establishment of Ticks of Public Health Concern Within Illinois. Journal of Medical Entomology. 58(4), pp. 1849–1864. [PDF]
Mader, E.M., Ganser, C., Geiger, A., Harrington, L.C., Foley, J., Smith, R.L., Mateus-Pinilla, N., Teel, P.D. and Eisen, R.J., 2021. A survey of tick surveillance and control practices in the United States. Journal of Medical Entomology, 58(4), pp.1503-1512.
Hedman, H.D., Varga, C., Brown, W.M., Shelton, P., Roca, A.L., Novakofski, J.E. and Mateus‐Pinilla, N.E., 2021. Spatial analysis of chronic wasting disease in free‐ranging white‐tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in Illinois, 2008‐2019. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 68(4), pp.2376-2383 [PDF]
Perrin-Stowe, T.I., Ishida, Y., Terrill, E.E., Hamlin, B.C., Penfold, L., Cusack, L.M., Novakofski, J., Mateus-Pinilla, N.E., and Roca, A.L., 2020. Prion protein gene (PRNP) sequences suggest differing vulnerability to chronic wasting disease for Florida Key deer (Odocoileus virginianus clavium) and Columbian white-tailed deer (O. v. leucurus). Journal of Heredity. 111(6), pp.564-572 [PDF]
Gilliam, B., Gronemeyer, P., Chakraborty, S., Winata, F., Lyons, L.A., Miller-Hunt, C., Tuten, H.C., Debosik, S., Freeman, D., O’Hara-Ruiz, M., and Mateus-Pinilla, N. 2020. Impact of unexplored data sources on the historical distribution of three vector tick species in Illinois. Journal of medical entomology, 57(3), pp.872-883. [PDF]
Ishida, Y., Tian, T., Brandt, A.L., Kelly, A.C., Shelton, P., Roca, A.L., Novakofski, J., and Mateus-Pinilla, N.E., 2020. Association of chronic wasting disease susceptibility with prion protein variation in white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). Prion, 14(1), pp.214-225. [PDF]
Hedman, H.D., Varga, C., Duquette, J., Novakofski, J. and Mateus-Pinilla, N.E., 2020. Food Safety Considerations Related to the Consumption and Handling of Game Meat in North America. Veterinary Sciences, 7(4), p.188. [PDF]
Grimm, K., Rivera, N.A., Fredebaugh-Siller, S., Weng, H.Y., Warner, R.E., Maddox, C.W., and Mateus-Pinilla, N.E., 2020. Evidence of Leptospira serovars in wildlife and leptospiral DNA in water sources in a natural area in East-Central Illinois, USA. Journal of Wildlife Diseases. October 2019; 56(2) 2020, pp. 316-327 [PDF]
Rivera NA, Brandt AL, Novakofski JE, Mateus-Pinilla NE. 2019. Chronic Wasting Disease in Cervids: Prevalence, Impact and Management Strategies. Veterinary Medicine: Research and Reports. October 2019; 10:123—139. [PDF]
Trone‐Launer EK, Wang J, Lu G, Mateus‐Pinilla NE, Zick PR, Lamer JT, Shelton PA, Jacques CN. 2019. Differential gene expression in chronic wasting disease‐positive white‐tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). Ecology and Evolution, 9(22), pp.12600-12612 [PDF].
Wang L, Lanka S, Cassout D, Mateus‐Pinilla NE, Li G, Wilson WC, Yoo D, Shelton P, Fredrickson RL. 2019. Inter‐serotype reassortment among epizootic haemorrhagic disease viruses in the United States. Transboundary and emerging diseases. 2019 Sep;66(5):1809-20 [PDF].
Rivera NA, Totoni S, Monick K., Tian T, Green ML, Novakofski J, Mateus-Pinilla NE. 2018. A comparison of three methods to evaluate otter latrine activity. Wildlife Society Bulletin. Accepted December 2018. [PDF]
Brandt AL, Green ML, Ishida Y, Roca AL, Novakofski J, Mateus-Pinilla NE. 2018. Influence of the geographic distribution of prion protein gene sequence variation on patterns of chronic wasting disease spread in white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). Prion, July 22:1-2. [PDF]
Dorak SJ, Green ML, Wander MM, Ruiz MO, Buhnerkempe MG, Tian T, Novakofski JE, Mateus-Pinilla, NE. 2017. Clay content and pH: soil characteristic associations with the persistent presence of chronic wasting disease in northern Illinois. Scientific Reports, 7(1), p.18062. [PDF]
Annetti KL, Rivera NA, Andrews JE, Mateus-Pinilla NE. 2017. Survey of haemosporidian parasites in resident and migrant game birds of Illinois. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management. 8(2): 661-668. [PDF]
Green ML, Kelly A, Satterthwaite-Phillips D, Manjerovic MB, Shelton P, Novakofski J, Mateus-Pinilla NE. 2017. Reproductive characteristics of female white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in the Midwestern USA. Theriogenology, 94: 71-78 [PDF]
Brandt AL, Kelly AC, Green ML, Shelton P, Novakofski J, Mateus-Pinilla NE. 2015. Prion Protein gene sequence and chronic wasting disease susceptibility in white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). Prion, 9(6): 449-462 [PDF]
Rivera NA, Mateus-Pinilla NE, Novakofski J, Satterthwaite-Phillips D. 2015. Metals in obex and retropharyngeal lymph nodes of Illinois white-Tailed deer and their variations with sex and CWD status. Prion, 9 (1): 48-58 [PDF]
Green ML, Monick K, Manjerovic MB, Novakofski J, Mateus-Pinilla NE. 2015. Communication stations: cameras reveal river otter (Lontra canadensis) behavior and activity patterns at latrines. Journal of Ethology, 33 (3): 225-234 [PDF]
Manjerovic MB, Green ML, Mateus-Pinilla NE, Miller AN, Novakofski J. 2015. Trash to treasure: assessing viability of wing biopsies for use in bat genetic research. Conservation Genetic Resources, 7 (2): 325-327 [PDF]
Green ML, Novakofski J, Green RW, Manjerovic MB, Mateus-Pinilla NE. 2014. The scene of the crime: classroom integration of biosafety, microscopy and forensics. The American Biology Teacher, 76(9): 615-619 [PDF]
Satterthwaite-Phillips D, Mateus-Pinilla NE, Novakofski J. 2014. Fatty acid analysis as a tool to infer the diet in Illinois River otters (Lontra canadensis). Journal of Animal Science and Technology 56 (1): 1-9 [PDF]
Green ML, Manjerovic MB, Mateus-Pinilla NE, Novakofski J. 2014. Genetic assignment tests reveal dispersal of white-tailed deer: implications for chronic wasting disease. Journal of Mammalogy, 95(3): 646-654 [PDF]
Kelly AC, Mateus-Pinilla NE, Brown, W, Ruiz MO, Douglas M, Douglas M, Shelton P, Beissel T, Novakofski J. 2014. Genetic Assessment of Environmental Features that Influence Deer Dispersal: Implications for Prion Infected Populations. Population Ecology. 56:327-340.
Manjerovic MB, Green ML, Mateus-Pinilla NE, Novakofski J. 2014. The importance of localized culling in stabilizing chronic wasting disease prevalence in white-tailed deer populations. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 113(1): 139-145 [PDF]
Carpenter SK, Mateus-Pinilla NE, Singh K, Lehner A, Satterthwaite-Phillips D, Bluett RD, Rivera NA, Novakofski JE. 2014. River otters as biomonitors for organochlorine pesticides, PCBs, and PBDEs in Illinois. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 100, 99-104 [PDF]
O’Hara Ruiz M, Kelly AC, Brown WM, Novakofski J, Mateus-Pinilla NE. 2013. Influence of landscape factors and management decisions on spatial and temporal patterns of the transmission of chronic wasting disease in white-tailed deer. Geospatial Health 8(1), 215-227 [PDF]
Green ML, Ting T-F, Manjerovic MB, Mateus-Pinilla NE, Novakofski J. 2013. Noninvasive alternatives for DNA collection from threatened rodents. Natural Science, 5(5A), 18-26 [PDF]
Mateus-Pinilla NE, Weng HY, Ruiz MO, Shelton P, Novakofski J. 2013. Evaluation of a wild white-tailed deer population management program for controlling chronic wasting disease in Illinois, 2003-2008. Preventative Veterinary Medicine. DOI:10.1016 [PDF]
Awobode HO, Paul AJ, Sengoku-Graham H, Clem RW, Mateus-Pinilla NE, McAllister MM. 2013. Serial Monoxenous Transmission of Toxoplasma gondii in cats. Journal of Parasitology 99(6): 1122-1124
Green ML, Manjerovic MB, Mateus-Pinilla NE, Kelly AC, Shelton PA, Novakofski J. 2012. Determining source populations of newly identified cases of chronic wasting disease in white-tailed deer. FASEB Journal. March 29, 2012 26:1035.6
Manjerovic MB, Green ML, Kelly AC, Mateus-Pinilla NE, Shelton P, Novakofski J. 2012. Spatial variation in susceptibility to chronic wasting disease in white-tailed deer. FASEB Journal March 29, 2012 26:1035.5
Rydzewski J, Mateus-Pinilla NE, Warner RE, Nelson JA, Velat TC. 2012. Ixodes scapularis (Acari: Ixodidae) distribution surveys in the Chicago metropolitan region. Journal of Medical Entomology. 49(4):955-9. [PDF]
Kmieciak LA, Mateus-Pinilla NE, Novakofski J. 2011. Developing a panel of microsatellites to determine genetic relatedness with white-tailed deer. FASEB Journal March 17, 2011 25:793.10
Kelly AC, Mateus-Pinilla NE, Douglas M, Douglas M, Shelton P, Novakofski J. 2011. Microsatellites behaving badly: empirical evaluation of genotyping errors and subsequent impacts on population studies. Genetics and Molecular Research. 10(4): 2534-2553 [PDF]
Fredebaugh SL, Mateus-Pinilla NE, McAllister M, Warner RE, Weng H. 2011. Prevalence of antibody toToxoplasma gondii in terrestrial wildlife in a natural area. Journal of Wildlife Diseases. 47(2):381-92 [PDF]
Horn JA, Mateus-Pinilla NE, Warner RE, Heske EJ. 2011. Home range, habitat use, and activity patterns of free-roaming domestic cats. Journal of Wildlife Management. 75(5): 1177-1185
Rydzweski J, Mateus-Pinilla N, Warner RE, Hamer S, Weng H. 2011. Ixodes scapularis and Borrelia burgdorferi among diverse habitats within a natural area in East-cental Illinois. Vector-borne and Zoonotic Diseases. 11(10) :1351-1358. [PDF]
» Email Karen Ballen at Vector-borne and Zoonotic Diseases for a copy [KBallen@liebertpub.com]
Kelly AC, Mateus-Pinilla NE, Douglas M, Douglas M, Brown W, Ruiz MO, Killefer J, Shelton P, Beissel T, Novakofski J. 2010.Utilizing disease surveillance to examine gene flow and dispersal in white-tailed deer. Journal of Applied Ecology. 47(6): 1189-1198 [PDF]
Lehrer EW, Fredebaugh SL, Schooley RL, Mateus-Pinilla NE. 2010. Prevalence of antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii in woodchucks across an urban-rural gradient. Journal of Wildlife Disease. 46(3): 977-980 [PDF]
Kelly A, Mateus-Pinilla NE, Emily J, Diffendorfer J, Killefer J, Shelton P, Beissel T, Novakofski J. 2008. Prion sequence polymorphisms and Chronic Wasting Disease resistance in Illinois White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus), Prion 2(1): 28-36 [PDF]
Bahnson PB, Fedorka-Cray PJ, Ladely SR, Mateus-Pinilla NE. 2006. Herd-level risk factors for Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica culture prevalence in U.S. market pigs. Journal of Veterinary Preventive Medicine. 76:249-262
Bunde JM, Heske EJ, Mateus-Pinilla NE, Hofmann JE, Novak R. 2006. A Survey for West Nile Virus in Bats from Illinois. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 42(2): 455-458 [PDF]
Novakofski J, Brewer MS, Mateus-Pinilla NE, Killefer J, McCusker Jr R. 2005. Prion Biology Relevant to BSE. Journal of Animal Science 83:1455-1476
Gondim LFP, McAllister MM, Mateus-Pinilla NE, Pitt WC, Mech LD, Nelson ME. 2004.Transmission of Neospora caninum between wild and domestic animals. Journal of Parasitology 90 (6):1361-1365
Regula G, Scherba G, Mateus-Pinilla NE,Lichtenstiger CA, Miller GY, Weigel RM. 2003. The impact of endemic porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus and other pathogens on reproductive performance in swine. Journal of Swine Health and Production. 11(1):13-18 [PDF]
Mateus-Pinilla NE , Hannon B, Weigel RM. 2002. A computer simulation of the prevention of the transmission of Toxoplasma gondii on swine farms using a feline T. gondii vaccine. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 55(1):17-36
Cope RB, Miller CA, Post M, Mateus-Pinilla NE, Murphy JE, Beasley VR. 2000. Use of synthetic human luteinizing hormone releasing hormone for induction of breeding in the cricket frog, Acris crepitans. Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery Volume 10(1):7-8 [PDF]
Regula G, Lichtensteiger CA, Mateus-Pinilla NE, Scherba G, Miller GY, Weigel RM. 2000. Comparison of serologic testing and slaughter evaluation for assessing the effects of subclinical infection on growth in pigs. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. 217: 888-895
Mateus-Pinilla NE, Dubey JP, Choromanski L, and Weigel RM. 1999. A Field Trial on the Effectiveness of a Feline Toxoplasma Gondii Vaccine in Reducing T. Gondii Exposure for Swine. Journal of Parasitology 85(5):855-860
Regula G, Lichtensteiger CA, Mateus-Pinilla NE, Miller GY, Scherba G, Weigel RM, Goodall EA, Thrusfield MV. 1999.Monitoring the impact of subclinical infection on performance by serological testing and slaughter evaluation. Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine. Proceedings of a meeting held at the University of Bristol, UK, on the 24-26th March, 1999:110-117
Mateus-Pinilla NE, Weigel RM, Dubey JP. 1997. A Field Trial on the Effectiveness of a Feline Toxoplasma Vaccine in Reducing Toxoplasma Exposure for Swine. VIII International Symposium on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE), Epidemiologie-et-Sante-Animale, Vol. 1: 04.14.1-04.14.3 [pdf]
Regula G, Mateus-Pinilla NE, Lichtensteiger CA, Scherba G, Miller GY, Weigel RM. 1997. Development and evaluation of a swine herd health monitoring system. Epidemiologie-et-Sante-Animale, No. 31-32, 07.B.34 [PDF]
Dubey JP, Weigel RM, Siegel AM, Thulliez P, Kitron UD, Mitchell MA, Mannelli AM, Mateus-Pinilla NE, Shen SK, Kwok O, Todd KS. 1995. Sources and Reservoirs of Toxoplasma gondii Infection on 47 Swine Farms in Illinois. J. Parasitol. 81(5):723-729
Weigel RM, Dubey JP, Siegel AM, Kitron UD, Mannelli AM, Mitchell MA, Mateus-Pinilla NE,Thulliez P, Shen K, Kwok O, Todd, KS. 1995. Risk Factors for Transmission of Toxoplasma gondii on Swine Farms in Illinois. J. Parasitol. 81(5):736-741
Mateus-Pinilla NE. 1995. Theophylline effects on canine PMN phagocytosis as measured in whole blood by luminol-dependent chemiluminescence. Doctoral Thesis.