Our Values

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Statement

There are many compelling reasons to advance DEI in chemistry, but only one is needed: this is simply the right thing to do. We strongly believe that every person deserves the opportunity to pursue chemistry regardless of race, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, socio-economic background, nationality, or disability. Every person deserves fair treatment in their pursuit of this opportunity and all people should feel welcomed, safe, supported, and respected within the scientific community. Pursuing this ethical imperative strengthens our community and enhances its contributions to society at large. 

Group Culture

Here at Snyder group, we believe that cultivating a strong positive group culture is a vital step towards a thriving group. Group culture plays a crucial role in impacting the dynamics of the group and influences the group’s success and happiness. Group members are expected to uphold a welcoming environment that provides a sense of belongingness and boosts motivation for new members. This can be done through clear communication, respectful behavior, and actively listening to various perspectives. We aim to support, encourage, and celebrate each member’s success and achievements. We wish to foster an environment in which all members feel comfortable to participate, collaborate, and discuss science with each other. Furthermore, one should not hesitate to make mistakes, as these can be used as opportunities for growth. Team building activities are utilized to create a powerful sense of camaraderie in which we support each other in and out of the lab. Snyder group has absolutely zero tolerance for toxic, racist, sexist, xenophobic, or related remarks/actions. 

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