Take A Picture: It’ll Last Longer


Photography In Relation to Writing

Usually, before one decides to take a photograph, there is inspiration that strikes. Whether it be a muse, the changing weather, or a spontaneous incident, creativity can claim a photographer at any time or in any place.

In order for me to choose a topic for this research paper, I needed inspiration to strike. For me, writing on command about a topic I am given is extremely difficult. I truly enjoy the writing process when it is spurred from my own desire and inspiration.

Next, a photograph can only be taken with the appropriate tools. Photographers use iPhones or special cameras with fancy lenses. In order to take the best photograph, these tools are used with different features such as zoom and flash. 

Writers also need the technical tools such as computers. But, writers have access to many other “tools” at their disposal. Books, and different research materials, allow writers to capture their topic. Grammar and rhetorical analysis tools also aid writers in their composition process.

Photographers very rarely take one photograph. There is a trial-and-error process that they must attend to. Photographers dance around their inspiration and take the picture from all different angles. 


Writers need to approach, and frame, their topic from different angles as well. When using sources, they need to allow for more context in order for their readers to see the bigger picture.

The next step in the photography process is editing. This step takes time and effort. Photographers can play with lighting, colors, and tone. Editing can determine whether or not a picture is liked by an audience. 

After the paper is written, writers go through a difficult process of editing their work. Editing is an important step in the writing process. Writers must check for spelling, grammatical and content errors.

Once the photograph has been edited, it is ready to be distributed to the public! 

If the writer repairs all the errors in their work, it can now be read by an audience!
