- Interested in Science and Tech Fellowships? AAAS is hosting a Q&A series May-November. Applications are now open and close Nov. 1! https://www.aaas.org/news/stpf/policy-fellowships-change-world-and-you
- List of Science Policy Fellowships and Internships: https://www.genome.gov/27554538/#al-2
- UIUC Certificate in Science Communication: http://21centurysci.com/science-communication-certificate/
Policy-Oriented Summer Internships (Short-Term)
2019 Summer Internship Program at the CBO
The Congressional Budget Office’s summer internships for graduate students provide opportunities to experience the budget process and policymaking at the federal level. In addition, interns participate in an educational program that includes briefings on CBO’s role in the budget process.
Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) – Climate Corps – Summer Fellowship 10-12 week fellowships for hands-on public/private sector experience in energy efficiency and sustainability. |
12/5/17 |
Google – Summer Policy Graduate Fellowship 12-week fellowship for graduate and law students interested in internet and technology policy to work at public interest organizations |
Anticipated 3/2018 |
National Academies – Christine Mirzayan Science & Technology Policy Graduate and Postgraduate Fellowship Program 12-week fellowship in science and technology policy in Washington, D.C. |
9/8/17 |
Option for students interested in communicating science to the public.
American Mathematical Society (AMS) / American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) – Mass Media Summer Fellowship Program Summer internship places STEM students into newsrooms to learn about media & the newsmaking process. |
1/15/18 |
Policy-Oriented Post-Graduate and Postdoctoral Fellowships (Long Term)
American Academy of Arts & Sciences (AAAS) – Hellman Postdoctoral/Post-Master’s Fellowship in Science and Technology Policy Up to two-year fellowship for early career professionals to contribute to science, engineering & technology policy projects at the AAAS in Cambridge, MA. |
Anticipated 1/2018 | |
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) – Science & Technology Policy Postdoctoral Fellowships Fellowships for scientists & engineers to learn about federal policy-making in Washington, DC. |
Anticipated 3/2018 | |
American Astronomical Society (AAS) – John Bahcall Postdoctoral Public Policy Fellowship Two-year fellowship for astronomers to participate in public policy activities of the AAS in Washington, D.C. |
Anticipated 3/2018 | |
American Geophysical Union (AGU) – Postdoctoral Congressional Science Fellowship Fellowship for geoscientists to contribute to public policy as staff members in congressional offices or on congressional committees. |
Anticipated 2/2018 | |
American Institute of Physics / Acoustical Society of America (AIP-ASA) – Postdoctoral Congressional Science Fellowship Fellowship for physicists and scientists in related disciplines to serve in the office of a Member of Congress or as staff to a Congressional Committee. |
Anticipated 1/2018 | |
American Institute of Physics / American Physical Society (AIP-APS) – Postdoctoral Congressional Science Fellowship Fellowship for physicists and scientists in closely related field to serve on the staff in congressional offices. |
Anticipated 1/2018 | |
American Meteorological Society (AMS) – Postdoctoral Congressional Science Fellowship Fellowship for scientists to contribute to public policy as staff members in congressional offices or on congressional committees. |
Anticipated 2/2018 | |
American Society for Microbiology (ASM) – Postdoctoral Research Fellowships Fellowship for policy-oriented work in Congress for microbiologists. |
Anticipated 2/2018 | |
Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health / Center for Disease Control & Prevention (ASPPH/CDC) – Allan Rosenfield Global Health Postgraduate Fellowship 11-month fellowship for advanced training in global public health at CDC headquarters or overseas locations. |
Not offered 2017, but anticipating a 2018 competition. | |
Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health / Center for Disease Control & Prevention (ASPPH/CDC) – Public Health Policy Postgraduate Fellowships Six-month to two-year fellowships for training in public health and prevention practice, informatics and policy. |
Anticipated 9/2017 | |
Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health / de Beaumont Foundation (ASPPH/Beaumont) – Public Health Philanthropy Postgraduate Fellowship Fellowship for learning about the field of public health philanthropy at the Foundation’s headquarters in Bethesda, MD. |
Anticipated 3/2018 | |
Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health / Department of Transportation / National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (ASPPH/NHTSA) – Public Health Postgraduate Fellowship in Traffic Safety Fellowship for training in all components of the comprehensive approach to injury prevention and motor vehicle and highway safety issues. |
Anticipated 2/2018 | |
Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health / Environmental Protection Agency (ASPPH/EPA) – Environmental Health Postgraduate Fellowship Fellowship for research, training, and hands-on experience in environmental health. |
Anticipated 1/2018 | |
California Council on Science & Technology (CCST) – Postdoctoral Fellowship in Science Policy Fellowship for recent PhDs from a broad range of disciplines to learn about science policy-making processes in the California legislature. |
Anticipated 2/2018 | |
Center for Disease Control (CDC) – National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) – Postdoctoral Research Program Two-year fellowship for policy-relevant research to improve American healthcare. Preference given to those applying by 3/15; final deadline 7/31. |
7/31/2017 Anticipated 3/2018 |
Harvard University – Center for the Environment – Environmental Fellows Postdoctoral Program Two-year fellowship for research in any discipline that tackles complex environmental problems. |
Anticipated 1/2018 | |
Harvard University – John F. Kennedy School of Government – Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs – Predoctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowships Ten-month fellowships for research and writing in science and international affairs related to the Center’s programs. |
Anticipated 1/2018 | |
Herbert Scoville Jr. – Peace Fellowships 6-9 month internships in Washington, D.C., in organizations working on peace and security issues. |
10/2/17 & 1/5/18 | |
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) – John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship One-year fellowship at associations, institutions, and government offices in Washington, D.C. |
Anticipated 4/2018 | |
Optical Society / Materials Research Society (OSA/MRS) – Postdoctoral Congressional Science Fellowship Fellowship for scientists to work as legislative assistants in congressional offices or congressional committees. |
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) – National Nuclear Security Administration/Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (NNSA/PNNL) – Graduate and Postgraduate/Postdoctoral Fellowship Program Fellowship for students with graduate degrees in STEM, policy, and social sciences pursuing careers in global nuclear security. |
10/4/17 | |
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) – Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy (EERE) – Post-Master’s and Postdoctoral Science & Technology Policy (STP) Fellowship Fellowship for participating in policy-related projects at DOE-EERE’s offices in Washington, DC. |
Continuous | |
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) / ORISE – Fusion Energy Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Up to two-year postdoctoral research fellowship in the DOE’s fusion energy research and development programs. |
Anticipated 4/2018 | |
U.S. Office of Personnel Management – Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) Program Two-year fellowship for graduates from all disciplines interested in government service. |
Anticipated 12/2017 | |
Women’s Policy Inc. (WPI) – Congressional Fellowship on Women and Public Policy Seven-month fellowship for grad students and recent grads in any field to work in congressional offices in Washington, D.C. |
Anticipated 6/2018 |
Something Different and Often Overlooked
U.S. citizen graduate students interested in government service and international issues can study a language and complete a project abroad. Prior language experience varies by country, and duration can vary from 3-12 months. STEM students are welcome—it’s a foot in the door to a government career, including national laboratories, that requires one year of government service.
US National Security Education Program (NSEP) – Boren Fellowship for Overseas Language Study Fellowships for language study in Africa, Asia, Central/Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin America, and the Middle East. |
1/30/18 |
Updated 8/7/17 by Dr. Karen Ruhleder
Office of External Fellowships—The Graduate College