How to Call Your Representative

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Will I talk to the Representative?
    1. Most likely not. The majority of calls are received by legislative staffers who are more than happy to take your calls. These staffers are mostly interns, so ​brevity and ​clarity ​are key!
  2. How do I find out who is my Congressman/Senator/Legislator?
    1. You can find this information on your own at the following web service:
  3. How do I find issues to call my representatives about?
    1. This website will walk you through the process for all of your local Representatives:
  4. Does my call actually make a difference?
    1. ABSOLUTELY, YES, YES YES! Calling is said to be the most effective way to petition the government.
  5. What should I do if I get an answering machine?
    1. Leave your message as though a staffer had answered the call, and be sure to leave your full address​ to ensure your call is recorded.
  6. How do I make a call?
    1. Call the US Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121. Press “1” to reach the Senate. Say the name of the state of your permanent address. Choose the senator you’d like to speak to about your opposition for the tax bill.
  7. What should I say when I make a call?
    1. Try this sample script below. Substitute your name and the issues that are important to you: “Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent of [REPRESENTATIVE] . I’m calling to urge [REP NAME] to vote [YES/NO] on [ISSUE]. Thank you for your time and have a great day.”

[NOTE: It is a best practice to use your personal phone or email account when contacting your legislator. You may communicate before work hours, after work hours, or during any normally scheduled lunch or break using your work computer. Do not participate in this activity while at work if it will significantly interfere with your ability to perform your job effectively. This process does not represent a prohibited political activity, and it is not forbidden by the State Officials Employee Ethics Act.]