Essay 1

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Essay 1-Revision

Essay 1-Original 


Analyzing this plank was difficult for me initially but grew to enjoy investigating the Green Party’s stance on education. As an education major, educational politics will affect me regardless of my acknowledgment to this fact. Keeping up to date on educational politics only benefits me and in the past 3 months, my knowledge on education as a whole has greatly increased. I chose to revise this essay by adding a discussion on my experiences in education courses with regard to this party plank.I asked myself how my thoughts on this plank changed after being exposed to the discussions in my education classes. Compared to 3 months ago, I have found that these topics, like equality in education, matter much more to me. I’m more engaged in conversations and trains of though which prompt me to consider how the educational system can be fixed in America. Because I am much more invested and experienced in discussing topics like race and gender in education, I’m much more interested in what mainstream political parties suggest we do to address these modern issues.

In this essay, I had few revisions to complete. Obviously I added a new thought, but my original critique focused more on lower order concerns than organization mistakes. This made it easy to understand my thoughts and understand what sort of discussion would be an appropriate addition.

Professor Mary’s Feedback Letter

You have done an excellent rhetorical analysis of the plank. You clearly read the source carefully and correctly identified each part of the argument and discussed it in detail. While you have a few minor errors or typos, your diction is quite advanced and your writing flows naturally. Good job of acknowledging your source with citations.

To revise this essay for your portfolio at the end of the semester would require very little work. You would only correct your minor errors. You would want to give it a thorough reading, however, and see if you could add anything to your analysis. Great job!