Artist’s Statement

Objectively, the purpose of this portfolio is to complete an assignment. I very much had the I-just-want-a-good-grade mentality when I first approached this assignment. After working on it though, I found deeper meaning and reason to care; and you should too. This portfolio discusses a lot of personal and important topics and comments on who I am; both as a writer and a person. I have a strong personal presence in my writing and reading these works will give you glimpse into how I look at life and form opinions on various topics. My reflections also provide a lot of insight into my personal feelings self-reflection.

Retrospectively, this portfolio aims to be uplifting but not in a cliché way. I hope that after reviewing my portfolio, you can better understand who I am as a person and the hope that I have for both myself and my community as a whole. Being able to recount my thoughts and revisit them

Self-reflection is a common theme in my revisions and an important part of my life. I’d like to believe that with every reflection I wrote, I stirred new thought and emotion within. I might not express my deepest emotions in a project like this, but I enjoyed being able to access some of these emotions in a mature and constructive setting. I hope that you too can understand the importance of the topics I discuss and form a relationship with the ideas.

Being an education major, I care about children and furthermore the community where they live. This value implicitly influences my writing. As I wrote about the education plank of the Green Party, I thought about how these policies would affect myself and the children I hope to teach. What would our education system look like if we were more equal? As I revised my research essay on vaping, I imagined how lives could be changed because of vaping. I wondered if students were putting their immediate desires over their long-term health. I don’t know what the future holds for teens who vape, but I do know it is changing their life, and I care about directing them in a positive path. I created an informational platform to help educate teens about the impact this habit is having. Even revising my small homework assignments, I debated questions of curiosity in my head. How is Ray Bradbury’s positive attitude adding to this world and how can I display the positivity that he does? I was able to reflect when I realized that I had not been fair to a marginalized group of people with my statement in the movie review. In this assignment, I was truly able to correct myself and hopeful influence others should they read my assessment of the situation. It’s difficult to understand exactly how I relate these topics together but keep an open mind. Like Bradbury, I look at this assignment as a progression and am able to make strides toward success with every word I read.