About Me


Being A native of Middle Tennessee, Illinois is a very different place for me. I enjoy the new experiences and have grown to love it here, but I do miss my family. I would consider myself a fairly social person so building friendships was not too challenging. I have never found it difficult to initiate conversations or build friendships. I enjoy being around and learning from other people and I suppose this is due to the strong connections I enjoy having with my siblings and friends. Volunteering at my churches Vacation Bible School led me to choose Elementary Education as my major. I have always been around kids and enjoyed looking at life from their unique point of view.

In high school I participated in many clubs in addition to doing marching band. Participating in band gave me a sense of discipline and hard work as well as advancing my musical skills. I played tuba in band, but I now have picked up ukulele, which I enjoy playing with my roommate. Sewing is another one of my hobbies. I learned how to sew from my great grandmother, then further learned in a life skills class in 7thgrade. As a seamstress, I prefer not to use patterns that may limit creative freedom. I find sewing and embroidery to be a stress reducing activity. My most recent project was a pouch because I can always find a use for these! I have been extremely busy this semester, so I haven’t been able to sew as much, but I enjoy it when I can.

Being new on campus, I knew I wanted to build good study habits. My favorite study space is Temple Hoyne Buell Hall. I found this gem after having a lecture in the building. I love how much natural light the windows allow in the main room. I enjoy studying with friends, but I know I am much more focused by myself. One of my friends from high school has a Spotify playlist I often listen to when studying either in my dorm or another building on campus. I will attach a few playlists I listen to below.

I am looking forward to the spring semester and hope it is as memorable as this one! Please enjoy the photos below to catch a glimpse into my life!

Spotify Playlist:

My Friend’s Playlist:


Some Worship Playlists I Enjoy:

  1. spotify:user:madisadri:playlist:26UAITUOyqG2kqZ59chEQn
  2. spotify:user:sgregory0707:playlist:2FNHCcgG4pyJNOHMHoWcYZ

1- A playlist I found created by madisadri on Spotify

2- A playlist I created

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