Pedagogical Goals

My own goal for the course is to learn how to write scholarly essay.

As a student in the school of engineering, I need some skill to write strong research paper. Therefore, I desire to learn how to support my idea and argue with good sources with technique.

Since the pedagogical goal of the course is to discern good sources ethically, analyze other writings, identify the argument at various media, and find sources from archives in UIUC, there is an intersection between my own goal and pedagogical goal.

The intersection is techniques to write research paper, and find good source that can support my argument. I hope I can learn more about discerning sources ethically, and write solid argument paper.

My plan for Unofficial

I really do not have any special plan for this weekend.

Yes, I am old enough to go out and drink in pubs and I can buy alcohol substances. But from multiple past experiences, I learned that getting drunk is not pleasant at all. I like drinking beer with my friends and sharing about whiskey taste. But, drinking just to get drunk is stupid. Also after I read about how “unofficial” started in the college, I am not willing to be fooled my various bar’s scheme.

One thing that I found interesting is that not a lot of international students, specifically Koreans participate in unofficial. Most of my Korean friends does not know about St. Patrick’s day and they does not understand what unofficial is for. Also, even they know about it, they are unwilling to get drunk in public especially during the daytime. Well, might be because most of my Korean friends are in master’s program or they are just too old to get drunk…

For this weekend, I might cook some Korean food paired with Korean drink to celebrate by culture with my friends.

Research Question

I want to intersect international student with food.

As an international student in UIUC, I thought there were not be a variety of access to my cultural cuisine, but what I figured out is that there is tons of variety of choice of my own cultural food in the university. There is at least 7 Korean food restaurant around the campus. If it comes to other ethnic food, there is so many around the campus that I can’t even count every single one of them.

From this finding, I want to know co-relation among when the certain ethnic restaurant was founded and amount of that ethnic student in University. I eventually want to explore whether there was demand for other ethical food even before the huge induce of the international students.

I already know that there is a variety of cuisine available not only at restaurants but also at the dining hall. This fact makes me assume that international students demanded their ethnic food.

First artifact

My favorite place to write is my desk in my room.

Because I am really bad at handwriting, I use my desktop for writings. It helps me to write faster with grammatically correct sentences. My best tool for writing is Grammarly, which checks for my spellings and grammatical errors.This is my desk in my room.And this is my favorite blue mechanical pencil.

Once in a while, if I need help with my paper, I usually go to Writer’s Workshop in UGL.

I never listen to music when I have to work on any of my assignments since music distracts me the most. There are some materials I always have on my desk before I start to write: an Oxford note, my favorite blue mechanical pencil, cup of water, and candy. If I miss any of those items, I will not be able to write for more than an hour.

Best time of the day for me to write is after midnight. I don’t know why, but I never have inspiration before the midnight. Once in awhile, there is a moment when I get sudden inspiration for my writing when I am about to sleep. Thus, I mostly write after the midnight.