First artifact

My favorite place to write is my desk in my room.

Because I am really bad at handwriting, I use my desktop for writings. It helps me to write faster with grammatically correct sentences. My best tool for writing is Grammarly, which checks for my spellings and grammatical errors.This is my desk in my room.And this is my favorite blue mechanical pencil.

Once in a while, if I need help with my paper, I usually go to Writer’s Workshop in UGL.

I never listen to music when I have to work on any of my assignments since music distracts me the most. There are some materials I always have on my desk before I start to write: an Oxford note, my favorite blue mechanical pencil, cup of water, and candy. If I miss any of those items, I will not be able to write for more than an hour.

Best time of the day for me to write is after midnight. I don’t know why, but I never have inspiration before the midnight. Once in awhile, there is a moment when I get sudden inspiration for my writing when I am about to sleep. Thus, I mostly write after the midnight.