You are Pretty. Are you mixed?


In Peggy Macintosh’s article entitled “unpacking the invisible knapsack” about white privilege, she said “I can do well in a challenging situation without being called a credit to my race.” I am always used to being called pretty, but an insult softly follows. I cannot count how many time I was asked if I was mixed because I was pretty. I did not realize how offensive this was because this idea of being mixed if you are pretty has been pumped into my brain since I was young. I see the issue in this statement now though. Why is that for me to be considered beautiful I cannot be African-American. It is as if saying that being African-American alone cannot be pretty. As Macintosh explains, an African-American cannot do well or poorly in anything without my race being used an explanation. My race is not explanation for me being pretty. Why are you commanding me for being black and getting good grades? These types of things are unconsciously making me feel inferior as a person due to my ethnicity. Therefore, STOP ASKING IF I AM MIXED JUST BECAUSE I AM PRETTY!