Critical Response 2 Reflection

Critical Response 2 Reflection


I will be reflecting on the process of revising and reflecting my second critical response. This assignment included me responding to three sources. This time these sources included one video and two articles all about books, reading and writing. Similar to my last critical response, I tried relating all sources together to form a cohesive response.

I connected Ray Bradbury’s video to Anne Lamontt’s “Shitty first drafts” and also to Alder Mortimer’s “How to mark a book.” I believe my title and introduction was pretty impressive in how it talked about the blood, sweat, and tears that goes into reading and writing. I am proud of the way I related a sport like basketball back to reading and writing through the handwork that has to be put in behind the scenes

During the revision process of my essay I realized that there was not too much addition type of revising, but rather reorganization issues to revise. Of course there was the typical grammatical issues to correct, but after giving my response a few looks I noticed that my introduction did not have a clear set thesis. I was repetitive in how I used a Ray Bradbury quote in that I used it in my paragraph about Ray Bradbury and I used it in the introduction. I feel like there shouldn’t have even had evidence in my introduction in the first place so I decided to take that part out of my first paragraph to take out that repetitive factor in my essay. Then I tied the ending of my introduction to my creative title the same way the beginning of my introduction did. I did this to keep the same flow in my introduction to make it that more engaging.

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