Refining My Research Proposal

After further consideration, I have decided to focus on the intersection between the environment and food. My research question is, what effects has genetically modified food had on the overall environment? Like I discussed in my previous post, I’m approaching Gerard’s method in order to research this proposal. The reason I really want to discover more about this topic is because genetically modified food has had a great impact to improve food production. However, genetically modified food has also had an immense role in negatively affecting the biodiversity of our environment. I’m also interested in this topic for the fact that I would like to discover the long term effects of GMO’s on our environment. This is an important matter because with a growing population that is bound to reach 9.5 billion by 2050, GMO’s will play a key figure in feeding an increase of 3 billion people.

In order to proceed with my research, I will begin by using the various databases provided by the UIUC online library. Many of the academic journals and articles I will find here relating to my research will serve as secondary sources. I can also utilize the Student Life and Culture Archives center to find projects and essays related to genetic modification of food that were done by Illinois students and faculty members. This will serves as primary resources for my research. Overall, I believe I have access to good resources in order to obtain credible sources for my research proposal.