Inkyung Choi: Ontology localization and (inter)cultural warrant

Title: Ontology localization and (inter)cultural warrant
Session Lead: Dr. Inkyung Choi
Time: 10 am – 11 am, Thursday, 2022-03-24
Location: Zoom


I have proposed the notion of intercultural warrant as a way to deploy cultural warrant in a case of cross-cultural adaptation of bibliographic classification ( ‘Warrant’ is a common principle for designing and construction of knowledge organization system (KOS). Thus, I am investigating how those notions of warrant – especially cultural warrant – is applicable to ontology. There have been considerable number of scholarly works on ‘Ontology localization’ which aims to produce multilingual/multicultural ontologies ( My intention with the current investigation on ontology localization is to review theoretical, methodological, and empirical research focusing on cross-cultural communications beyond translation. I would lead discussions based on my review on ontology localization and my work on (inter)cultural warrant at CFG. I expect to gain some insights from discussions at CFG and would develop further notion of intercultural warrant encompassing diverse types of KOSs.

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